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Never-released unsung recordings

Started by Christopher, Friday 28 October 2016, 02:16

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I thought it might be an idea to centralise a "list" of recordings of unsung works known to have been made but, for whatever reason, never released (commercially or otherwise). And for which other recordings by other artists are not available.

This is partly out of curiosity, but partly as by bringing them to people's attention, some ideas might arise as to how (legitimately) to access these recordings.

The ones on my list include:

1. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Serviliya"- recorded by the Pokrovsky Opera in Moscow under Rozhdestvensky in 2016.Release may yet happen...

2. Artur Kapp's Last Confession of Job ("Viimne Piht" in Estonian) - version for full orchestra by Vardo Rumessen. This was recorded by Paavo Järvi in approx 2002, but (according to Martin Anderson of Toccata Classics) "there were various things about the recording that Paavo wasn't happy with (without being specific) and so the recording was pulled".

3.  A large part of the orchestral output of the Belarusian composer Vassili Zolotarev (1872-1964) is known to have been recorded in the Soviet years by Belarusian orchestras, but is sitting in archives in Belarus.


Didn't Dutton record Macfarren's violin concerto a few years back? Maybe this is still within their usual "lead time".

I guess this thread will lead to nothing but sheer numbing frustration! But for the record, I distinctly recall reading in one of the record comics at least 15 years ago that Neeme Jarvi was about to record for DG all five of the Maximilian Steinberg symphonies. Obviously a now dead project, but wouldn't that have been quite a thing!


Yes it may have been. I am surprised that Naxos didn't record the Steinbergs. The more I hear of his music, the more fascinated I get. The Passion Week is marvelous.

More than unreleased recordings, I would really like it if the archives of some orchestras would open up and release some live recordings that otherwise are out of reach. For example, the dazzling Schmidt 2nd that Sawallisch did with Philadelphia at Carnegie Hall, and also in Philadelphia, a thrilling reading of the Gliere 3rd with Neeme Jarvi. And the Kalinnikov 1st that St. Louis did a few seasons ago is on my want list, too.

Alan Howe

And there's the follow-up volume(s) of music by Rufinatscha on Chandos. Perhaps vol.1 fell flat commercially...


I mentjoned this a couple weeks ago, but the Fibich series on Naxos was supposed to go to eight volumes (and finished releasing by the end of 2015) but stopped at four. I wonder if they were actually recorded? Naxos often holds back stuff for a while (even CPO would blush now and again)


Projects get cancelled all the time. Anyone who has been in the business for a good length of time will have an experience to share.



Er, I took Mark's comment as just a guess.

Alan Howe

QuoteMore than unreleased recordings...

Let's not allow this thread to become a list of 'wish-fors', but rather one about recordings we know were made or at least explicitly planned. Thanks!

Mark Thomas

It was just a guess, but one based on experience.

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteDidn't Dutton record Macfarren's violin concerto a few years back? Maybe this is still within their usual "lead time".

Never heard anything about this. Would be interested to know more. Doesn't sound likely, but one lives in hope!

Alan Howe


Would love to hear that! Hope it's closer to Robin Hood than to the symphonies in quality


So here's one....wasn't there some Raff string quartets that never got released on CPO? Or did they eventually make it out? Or just never get recorded?
I've going to assume the Suite Op. 210 for violin and piano wasn't recorded, given Volker was released digitally alone...that looks to be the only piece missing (outside some reductions) from their series otherwise.