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Emilie Mayer Symphony No.6

Started by Alan Howe, Sunday 20 June 2021, 13:56

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Alan Howe

This is what we know (I think):

Symphony No. 1 in C Minor (premièred before 4 March 1847)
Symphony No. 2 in E Minor (premièred before 4 March 1847)
Symphony No. 3 in C Major "Military" (premièred 21 April 1850)
Symphony No. 4 in B Minor (premièred 16 March 1851)
Symphony No. 5 in D Major (premièred 1 May 1852) - presumed lost
*Symphony No. 6 in E Major (premièred 25 April 1853)
Symphony No. 7 in F Minor (1855-56 ; premièred in April 1862) - mislabelled on the Dreyer Gaido CD as "No. 5"
Symphony No. 8 in F Major (1856-57 ; premièred in March 1862) - presumed lost

*This only leaves No.6 to be recorded commercially.


Quote*This only leaves No.6 to be recorded commercially
I am told  the Symphony no.6 CD is in production in Germany.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

Quotethe Symphony no.6 CD is in production in Germany

By cpo or MDG, perhaps, Ros?


It says in the notes for the forthcoming cpo release of Symphonies 3 & 7 (page 2) that Symphony 6 is planned for release in 2023.

Alan Howe


A little update on answers to the question regarding a recording of Mayer Symphony 6: I've just been told that the launch of the CD will be at a special concert in Bremerhaven on June 12th.

Mark Thomas

Not long to wait, then. Thanks for the update Ros.


Is this the same recording of no.6 in E we have off-radio or something like (which will then be removed, of course, when the CD is released?)


No, this is a different recording by Bremerhaven.

Alan Howe

This link...
...suggests that the performers will be the Philharmonisches Orchester Bremerhaven, conducted by Marc Niemann. However, the concert dates are given as 30th & 31st August.

The recording (for Hänssler Classic) has evidently already been made:

<<Under the musical direction of GMD Marc Niemann and in cooperation with Radio Bremen, the Bremerhaven Philharmonic Orchestera has recorded orchestral works by the composer Emilie Mayer (1812-1883) in the Sendesaal Bremen for the renowned Hänssler Classic label. The production management is in the hands of the well-known sound engineer Renate Wolter-Seevers.>>


Now I'm confused. Are cpo and Hänssler both releasing different recordings of symphony 6 soonish?...

Alan Howe

I don't know for sure. We need more information from razorback who has evidently seen the booklet notes accompanying the cpo release of Symphonies 3 & 7 which isn't due out until November (see above)! But my guess is 'yes' - after all, by then we'll also have two recordings of No.3.

Perhaps the cpo recording will feature the performers involved in the download we still have available at UC, i.e. the Philharmonisches Orchester Kiel under Benjamin Reiners...

Alan Howe

At jpc we find this notification from cpo:

Die Einspielung der Symphonien Nr. 4 und Nr. 6 ist für 2023 geplant. Die Materialien zu den Symphonien Nr. 5 und Nr. 8 sind leider verschollen = The recording of Symphonies 4 and 6 is planned for 2023. The materials for Symphonies 5 and 8 are sadly lost.

There will, therefore, be two recordings of No.6 - one on Hänssler and one on cpo.


QuoteNow I'm confused. Are cpo and Hänssler both releasing different recordings of symphony 6 soonish?...

I am very pleased to say that Mayer 6 has been getting a lot of attention recently, and I have hired out the orchestral set twice last year for recordings.
The June 12th date is a subscription concert to launch the CD.