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Nedbal, Fibich and Novak together

Started by alberto, Thursday 31 March 2011, 23:08

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In "new recordings" I read in the forum that CPO is going to record "Die Winzerbraut" by O.Nedbal.
Apart from  Neumann or Smetacek recordings of a couple of short pieces ( the beautiful Valse Triste and the overture to "Die Keusche Barbara" - Supraphon and Orpheus) exists a 4 Cd extremely cheap Membran Quadromania B00023GOUK with a lot of short works by Nedbal, Fibich and Novak (orchestral lieder op.38, 39, 77, besides more known works). Conductor mostly that infaticable Douglas Bostock (he exists: I have seen him conducting).
I have no link with Membran and I find their four CD box clumsy in outlook (a little better the ten CD box): but they are irresistibly cheap and some of them contain, in mixed bags, a few gems not available otherwise.


I love Nedbal. Have you heard his Forest Bells (waltz) yet?


Yes , I did with a lot of pleasure. And quite a pleasure was hearing many otherwise unavailable works in the Membran four CD box at 5, 00 € (!).
But it is that very low price that puzzles me.
Many records in the Membran ultra-cheap four CD boxes (now physically available almost everywhere in Italy-but I bought the first ones in Berlin) are/were "Tring" (standard repertoire) or "Scandinavian Classics" (unusual repertoire). And I see that "Scandinavian Classics" are proposed on the web as "Classico" at around 11, 95 € each.
So sometimes you can buy the same at 5, 00 € for 4 records or 11, 95 € for one.
By the way, between Fibich, Nedbal and Novak, all of them,  I could attend in a concert just a live performance of one work: At Twilight by Fibich, conducted by Francesco d'Avalos with the Jerusalem Symphony Orch. ( in Torino). 


I really like Fibich (including At Twilight) and Novak, but the only music I have heard by Nedbal is assorted music for violin and orchestra, cello and orchestra, serenades, etc.

I also have several Membran Quadromania boxes, but cannot find this Membran 4 CD box at an "ultra-cheap" price. Amazon UK has it for about $20US plus shipping. Amazon DE has the box priced cheaper, but the shipping is astronomical.

Do you have suggestions for getting it to the US at a reasonable cost?


For once curious about the variety/casualness of prices in the web, I took a glance. asks 9.99 € plus shipping asks "£ 4.99 inc.UK postage (overseas + 1.50)".
Both, albeit in different measure, much more expensive than buying in a shop.