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BBC Top 9 Symphonies Poll

Started by John H White, Wednesday 02 November 2011, 09:37

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Not that I have the skills to do so, but I think it would be hilarious if someone waited until the BBC list was complete, hacked their network, and changed the list.  Bemused listeners whose idea of adventure is listening to Beethoven's 2nd symphony, would be shocked to find that their peers overwhelmingly seem to prefer, say:

Corigliano 1
Hovhanness 2
Hansen 3
Part 4
Bax 5
Bruckner 6
Sibelius 7
Glass 8
Persichetti 9

Of course, now I need to go listen to #1, 4, 8, and 9 myself...


Kitmills - Gottfred Matthison-Hansen's 3rd organ symphony? I thought he only wrote one...

Mark Thomas

Oh well, if I must. Sticking both to unsungs and to the BBC's scheme of one No.1, one No.2 etc...

1. Kalinnikov No.1
2. Raff No.2
3. Draeseke No.3 Tragica
4. Raff No.4
5. Stanford No.5 L'Allegro ed il Penseroso
6. Rufinatscha No.6
7. Atterberg No.7 Romantica
8. Glazunov No.8
9. No idea at all!


It's really hard to choose, especially from 1-6 there are plenty of options... Well, i think a possible list would be like this:

1. Rott/Kalinnikov
2. Schmidt/ Peterson-Berger
3. Gliere/ Magnard
4. Nielsen/ Glazunov
5. Raff
6. Myaskovsky
7. Spohr
8. Shostakovich/Bruckner
9. Cuclin (I can't stop listening to it, after i discovered it on this forum)

If i could choose between symphonies without numbers, i would probably pick Kullervo.


My possible list, listing unsungs, and excluding the authors of just one Symphony:


Quote from: eschiss1 on Thursday 03 November 2011, 05:25
Kitmills - Gottfred Matthison-Hansen's 3rd organ symphony? I thought he only wrote one...

I meant the American Howard mistake in spelling...


No worries, hoped the other might have been recorded (if it existed at all. I only know some other works of his that have been scanned and uploaded to Sibley and to the Danish Royal Library; they seem worthwhile...)


Ah, this is fun:

Symphony No. 1: Urspruch
Symphony No. 2: Raff or Schmidt
Symphony No. 3: Atterberg or Gernsheim
Symphony No. 4: Van Gilse
Symphony No. 5: Gade
Symphony No. 6: Potter
Symphony No. 7: Asger Hamerik
Symphony No. 8: Rautavaara or Raff
Symphony No. 9: Langgaard
Symphony No. 10: Hill
Symphony No. 11: Raff

12 and up is probably all going to be Miaskovski or Haydn.


Absolutely impossible.  8) Sticking to the BBC scheme of 1 til 9, I would think of a row like:

1. Arnold Cooke 1
2. Lennox Berkeley 2
3. Stanley Bate 3
4. Joly Braga Santos 4
5. Camargo Guarnieri 5
6. Eduard Tubin 6
7. Havergal Brian 7
8. Vagn Holmboe 8
9. Ralph Vaughan Williams 9

1. Kaljo Raid 1 / Brian 1
2. Léon Orthel 2 / Vermeulen 2 / Wordsworth 2 / Alwyn 2 / Barber 2 / Erkin 2 / Gipps 2
3. Joly Braga Santos 3 / Madetoja 3 / Glière 3 / Guarnieri 3
4. Einar Englund 4 / Langgaard 4
5. Carl Nielsen 5 / Shosta 5
6. Ralph Vaughan Williams 6 / Holmboe 6 / Martinů 6
7. Malcolm Arnold 7 / Mahler 7
8. Havergal Brian 8 / Shosta 8
9. Robert Simpson 9 / Holmboe 9
10. Edmund Rubbra 10 / Holmboe 10