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Rhodesian Composers

Started by kolaboy, Sunday 18 March 2012, 17:28

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Well, oddly enough there doesn't seem to be any composers of "serious" music that I can find who originated in Rhodesia. One would think there would be at the very least a Rhodesian Rhapsody or two floating around by some enterprising Salisburian...

Hope I'm proven wrong.

Maybe 'Rhodesian' composers are hard to find because Rhodesia ceased to exist in 1980?


Quote from: on Monday 19 March 2012, 00:06
Maybe 'Rhodesian' composers are hard to find because Rhodesia ceased to exist in 1980?

But it did exist prior to 1980, and that's the time period I'm speaking of.



The closest thing I can find is Malcolm Forsyth, a renowned canadian composer born in South Africa. Some of his pieces have Zulu themes and are quite strange. But it IS NOT RHODESIA. Try "The Valley of a Thousand Hills" and the first symphony.


Quote from: JollyRoger on Saturday 24 March 2012, 03:36
The closest thing I can find is Malcolm Forsyth, a renowned canadian composer born in South Africa. Some of his pieces have Zulu themes and are quite strange. But it IS NOT RHODESIA. Try "The Valley of a Thousand Hills" and the first symphony.

Will investigate, thanks :)