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Draeseke Violin Concerto

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 08 July 2009, 09:39

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I wish I had you Draeseke zealots on my team when I started my campaigne to promote my pet unsung composer, Joachim Eggert.  From my experience there is one thing I can tell you:  If you do not have a printed score, do not even think of approaching an orchestra to perform it  or a recording company to record it!!  An orchestra or a recording company can not evaluate the music if they can not read it, and they do not have the time to read a manuscript score or parts.  So, you must convert the manuscript (that your Draeseke expert has yet to find) into a modern format.  That will cost lots of money to have done (unless you do it yourself like I did) and it will take lots of time.  Then when all that is done, you can start pressking for a performance and a recording.

I wish you all the luck in the world.