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Sinding VCs from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 29 April 2011, 12:39

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Alan Howe

Now this should be a lovely release...

I only know VC1 from a Naxos CD. Does anyone know VC2 or VC3?

M. Henriksen

I also have to welcome this release, the reason is exactly what Alan points out: Have anyone heard the 2nd and 3rd concertos, or the rest of the works on this double disc? I know that the Suite has been recorded both by Itzhak Perlman (EMI) and Henning Kraggerud (Naxos). I expect no masterpieces to be unveiled, but all credit to cpo again!

I can't help noticing that these recordings dates from 2004. cpo must have some amount of recorded music waiting in line, I guess I'll just have to be very patient when it comes to the their Kallstenius series.



no.2 in vn/pno score only at IMSLP, no.3 only that it existed.  I was surprised already when the recording of no.1 came out. Good news!  Now the moving-the-goal-posts-me ;) impatiently awaits a recording of Sinding's string quartet :) (published 1904; I've heard the first movement only.)


Quote from: M. Henriksen on Friday 29 April 2011, 16:11I also have to welcome this release, the reason is exactly what Alan points out: Have anyone heard the 2nd and 3rd concertos, or the rest of the works on this double disc? I know that the Suite has been recorded both by Itzhak Perlman (EMI) and Henning Kraggerud (Naxos). I expect no masterpieces to be unveiled, but all credit to cpo again!

I have only heard one concerto, namely Op. 45, which turns out to be No. 1. I wasn't even aware that there were a further two. I have the original version of the suite, for piano and violin (later orchestrated, says the booklet). The Legend has also been recorded; it is one of fillers on Naxos 8.550329, the main work on that disc being the Violin Concerto of Sibelius.


according to this list of Sinding's compositions the other two concertos are from around  1901 and 1917, in D major and A minor.


It is great that CPO is issuing all of Sinding's concertante violin works as only the Suite and Violin Concerto No. 1 have been recorded before. However, I would like at this point to put in a word for another unsung Norwgian composer, Halfdan Cleve (1879-1951). He composed 5 beautiful Piano Concertos of which only No. 4 in A minor has been commercially recorded (on Norsk Kulturad  LP NKF 30038) back in 1980. Having heard the other 4 Concertos on Norwegian Radio tapes, I am certain their rediscovery would be highly welcomed by all admirers of piano concertos and Scandinavian Romanticism. Are there any labels out there (e.g., CPO, Hyperion, Sterling, Chandos) ready for a new boon to collectors?

Gareth Vaughan

Hear, hear! Halfdan Cleve's PCs are disgracefully neglected. Lovely music, all of it.

Alan Howe

Toskey thinks that VC1 and VC2 are pretty similar, with the later work being more virtuosic than the earlier. However, he makes no mention of VC3. Curious...


I had never heard of Cleve I think until I saw the scores of his first two concertos uploaded by the people at Sibley/U. Rochester awhile back. They do look interesting!


I have the four of Cleve's PCs that are not commercially recorded if anyone is interested.  Apparently from broadcasts.


Alan Howe

Well, another thoroughly worthwhile release from cpo. VC1 is Bruchian, as we probably already know, VC2 is a substantial (33-minute) piece in a lovely post-Brahmsian idiom and VC3 is shorter, like VC1, but with a (slightly) more advanced, almost Regerian feel to it. Altogether very nice indeed. Hyperion RVC material - but cpo have beaten them to it!

Gareth Vaughan

I have the four of Cleve's PCs that are not commercially recorded if anyone is interested.  Apparently from broadcasts.

I'd be very interested to hear these.

Mark Thomas

Yes, me too. I'm happy to offer some web space to store and download tracks, if you'd like to get in touch, Jerfilm.


hope to hear this CD, and noting happily that the full scores of the first two concertos are finally available at IMSLP by the way...


The Violin Concerto No. 2 is quite a little gem. No coincidence that it is in the Great D Major!!!! I just heard it now ... What a concerto.