Servais works for cello and orchestra (cpo)

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 29 April 2011, 12:41

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Alan Howe


My first wife was a cellist with a fondness for Servais (we used to have his portrait and autograph hanging in the living room) and I've heard dozens of his pieces.  The best, imo, are the Grand Fantasies with variations...super virtuoso stuff.  Souvenir de spa isn't my favorite, but it was recorded in the 70s by Joel Krosnick on an all Servais disc.  More recently Bylsma took a shot at some Servais, but I'm not enough of a fan of his playing to have sought it out.

Servais was, again imo, a weak melodist and is at his best in pieces that use famous tunes by other people.  (The Grand Fantasy and Variations on La Fille du Regiment is marvelous fun.)  His grasp of form was probably equal to other minor virtuoso composers, mostly alternating tunes and passagework, but the tunes in the concertos (the one just recorded and a more entertaining Concerto Militaire) really do them in.  I've never heard them with the orchestra, so that may add something positive. 

There's Servais enough for a series, if the parts have survived...


Alan Howe


well, the cello part and orchestra parts of his concerto militaire- which does not seem to be on that CD, though it may have been recorded before- are at IMSLP, as are other works, I think. 16 works presently listed there (including some that are on that disc) but not all nec. entirely performable, of course.


"....his concerto militaire...may have been recorded before..."

I admit I haven't been looking all that hard, but I don't think any Servais with orchestra has been recorded before.

Btw, there's a particularly fetching Variations for cello and string orchestra sur deux airs russes (I think I'm remembering the title correctly.)  The ex played it around the US with Ransom Wilson's old orchestra.  A rare example of a virtuoso piece accompanied by chamber orchestra.  I think parts came from Fleischer, or maybe we made them....can't remember the 80s too well.



I seem to recall the name Servais in association with Vieuxtemps.  Is he the guy Vieuxtemps played with in a quartet and for whom he composed his two concertos? 


The concertos were written for F.A.'s son Joseph, also a fine cellist.  I don't remember about the quartet-playing, but I seem to remember some virtuoso duos (unaccompanied) for cello and violin written by Servais and either Vieuxtemps or maybe Leonard.  One was on themes from Les Huguenots and very enjoyable.  Ridiculously difficult, of course.



hrm. is the Servais/Ghys recording ('Variations brillantes et concertantes sur l'air "God Save the King"') on Kremer's 2002 "Happy Birthday" disc an orchestral recording?...


"Variations on God Save The Queen" on that disc for violin and cello, at least according to me database.


I suggest to consult the website for more information about the life and work of François Servais. You will find an answer to most of the questions. Of course you can always contact me for further information.
On you can find a detailed review of the new CD.

Alan Howe