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Marcel Tyberg Second Symphony

Started by JeremyMHolmes, Monday 09 May 2011, 20:22

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This has just been recorded for Naxos by JoAnn Falletta and the Buffalo PO, to be couple with a piano sonata also by Tyberg - see the 'latest news' part of the Naxos web site.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe


As to Tyberg- ah. Trying to remember where I heard of him- not where I thought. Ah.  I think I may have heard his 3rd symphony, or may have part of that recording to hear. Yes, I think I should like to hear the 2nd and will try to catch it. Thanks again.


It's good to note that Naxos are finally releasing Tyberg's Second Symphony. I have been waiting since May 2011 for its release! I very much enjoy Tyberg's Third Symphony and am very hopeful that the second symphony will be just as good if not better! Thank you Alan for alerting me of its release.

Alan Howe


Wonderful composer! So much beauty.

Mark Thomas

Those sound bites are mouth watering. This should be a real disc of discovery.


I've just listened to the sound bites too and can't wait for the CD to be released! I already have the CD on order!

Gareth Vaughan

I couldn't agree more. Absolutely delicious. This is a must buy CD for me. Incidentally, the scherzo is very reminiscent of Bruckner, don't you think?

I received my copy this morning. I'll save Symphony 2 for a later occasion - I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but it was the 2nd Piano Sonata in which I was most interested.

I sat down and had a careful listen post breakfast. A very substantial work, and of 32 minutes duration in this performance by Fabio Bidini (a name new to me). First impression is of what seems a superb work: surprisingly traditional in form and language (given its 1934 date of composition when much contemporary music was going down an 'innovative' dead alley and becoming less satisfying), and yet not at all derivative or simply copying what went before. There is a lot going on in the work - not an 'easy listen' (thank heavens!) and I'm much looking forward to listening to it again now I've got an idea of its general 'landscape'.

According to the Naxos booklet Tyberg wrote two sonatas. The first comes from 1920, and I'm assuming the score survives? I wonder if Naxos will give us the work? And three cheers for Naxos!

Alan Howe

As Gareth intimates above, Tyberg's 2nd Symphony will certainly delight Bruckner fans - and those more allergic to the earlier composer will be relieved to hear that the piece comes in at a mere 42 minutes! Overall, anyone who enjoys, say, Wetz or Schmidt, will love Tyberg 2 with its long-breathed melodies, rich orchestration and glorious use of the brass. The Buffalo PO under JoAnn Falletta do a fantastic job too, thoroughly justifying their resurrection of this gifted and badly neglected composer's music. Overall, a winner! 


Naxos has already recorded the First Sonata and the Sextet.  I think Falletta will also do the First Symphony. Funding has been arranged for Naxos to record all surviving Tyberg scores. The First Sonata is every bit the equal to the Second.

Alan Howe


I've just ordered the disc with the 2nd Sonata and am looking forward to hearing it, especially after all the good things said here!