Stenhammar on Brilliant Classics

Started by alberto, Friday 27 May 2011, 09:34

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Brilliant Classics has just released "3 CD Multibox" 94238 . It contains the BIS recordings of the Symphonies (N.Jaarvi), the Piano Concertos (Dorwinger in 1, Ortiz in 2), Two Romances for vn. and orch. and other vocal/orchestral pieces (NOT the Serenade and the Excelsior! concert overture). The price of the set is (at least in Italy) about 66% of ONE Bis Cd.
That causes (at least to me) ambivalent feelings about the falling of CD prices (in reissues). The same for the Schreker Brilliant Classics 2 CD release-reissue. 


I've seen many negative reviews of Jarvi's BIS recording of Stenhammar's fortunately often-recorded symphony ("2nd" only because there's an earlier, resurrected but discarded F major 1st) - a wonderful, in my opinion, piece with a stunning final fugue which I hope to hear live sometime

(... though I remember critic John Leonard - who I think- well, thought; he's no longer around... - very well of - writing "too much of Stenhammar's 2nd symphony" as his only comment on a concert he attended - well, we can't all agree...) -

but Neeme Jarvi's BIS recording is probably something of a desert island disc for me. :)

Alan Howe

My own view is that this is not Järvi's best recording of Symphony No.2 (the later DG is less rushed, better recorded and better played). However, there's no denying the attractions of a such a bargain offering... 


I love the BIS 4 disc set and have no problems with it, though I haven't heard any others, granted.

Alan Howe

From memory (fallible, no doubt), there was some poor intonation in Symphony 2 and the first movement was a bit of a rush. But, as I said, there is no doubt that this is a fine bargain.

Paul Barasi

A cheap pick up and once home it was love at first hearing - for this Brilliant Classics box must be the same as the BIS set I bought up for £15-49 back in 1999. To think I'd never even heard of this composer before. I've got quite a few Stenhammar CDs since but this one, my first love, could well remain my favourite.