Glière collection from Chandos

Started by albion, Friday 03 June 2011, 22:51

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Indeed, the 3rd symphony is one of the greatest unsung symphonies. My first exposure was a Stokowski recording, which turned out to be an abomination (although I didn't know it at the time). Although Stokowski was a champion of Gliere and introduced him to the U.S. audiences, he chopped that score to tiny bits.

The next version I heard was actually the Downes, and it was so illuminating to hear that so much more music was there. I now prefer other recordings over the Downes, but it's not dreadful or anything.


Downes is my second favorite after the Bostein. The only other fully complete one on CD is Farbermann, AFAIK, and that's excruciatingly slow.

Also, don't discount the 2nd. It may not be the 3rd, but it's about as wonderfully "music from the heart" as it gets.


Of the top of my head, other complete recordings available on CD include Talmi, Johanos, Rachlin, and Scherchen.


Quote from: Amphissa on Tuesday 07 June 2011, 23:14

Of the top of my head, other complete recordings available on CD include Talmi, Johanos, Rachlin, and Scherchen.
Not quite:

I thought Johanos had cuts, but apparently not. Scherchen I didn't realize was on "Rediscovery" -- the may be legal, but unofficial, and it's on CDR, not CD (and it's in mono anyway)
Talmi and Rachlin as shown by the page do indeed have some cute, minor as they may be.


Always interested in actual concert life, I'm reflecting that I attended one performance of the Third Symphony (complete), one of the Concerto for Soprano Coloratura, and even two of the early Octet for Strings (in less than two months. BPO Octet- together with Gade and Spohr(!); 26/10/09. Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica (in an arrangement for expanded strings; 3/12/2009).
(By the way personally I don't dislike completely the Third Symphony Stokowski much truncated version. It was still recorded by Ormandy and Philadelphia in the '70: maybe as fit for a LP).


Very pleased about this new set, will definitely be buying it come pay day!


Several years ago Neeme Jarvi led the Philadelphia Orchestra in the 3rd in what can only be described as sensational live performances. Thrilling, electric, perfectly paced. It's a crying shame than Ondine didn't record and release that like they did several of Eschenbach's performances. Huge missed opportunity.