Holbrooke from Naxos

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 29 June 2011, 07:47

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Alan Howe

Naxos are releasing Holbrooke's VC "The Grasshopper", coupled with his Violin Sonata No.1 and Horn Trio...
...unfortunately (for me) the VC is not in the orchestral version!

Gareth Vaughan

Yes, this is the piano / violin version which was known as the 2nd Violin Sonata "The Romantic". There are some very slight differences between it and the orchestral version, mostly in the solo violin part, which is fiendishly difficult in both versions. The piano part is also extremely taxing. This is a very splendid contribution to Holbrooke's discography. The "Sonatina" is an early work, but attractive nonetheless, while the Horn Trio is a masterpiece IMHO.

I am assured by CPO that their plans to record the orchestral version of "The Grasshopper" have not been cancelled.

Alan Howe

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 29 June 2011, 16:40
I am assured by CPO that their plans to record the orchestral version of "The Grasshopper" have not been cancelled.

That is very good news, Gareth. Thank you.

Gareth Vaughan

I spoke to Howard Griffiths by telephone yesterday. It seems that he slipped on ice just after Christmas, broke his arm (his conducting arm) and badly fractured his shoulder as well. He has a pin in his shoulder, but his arm has healed and he is able to conduct again. However, it meant he lost over 3 months of concert and recording schedule. Nevertheless, he hopes to get the "Grasshopper" recorded this year, together with Symphony No. 3 "Ships" and the Variations on "Auld Lang Syne". He really loves Holbrooke's music.

Mark Thomas

Excellent news Gareth. About the Holbrooke, that is, not about the fall.

Alan Howe

This is good news indeed, Gareth. I'm sorry about Howard Griffiths' injury, though glad to hear he's now recovering.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Saturday 02 July 2011, 21:14
I spoke to Howard Griffiths by telephone yesterday. It seems that he slipped on ice just after Christmas, broke his arm (his conducting arm) and badly fractured his shoulder as well. He has a pin in his shoulder, but his arm has healed and he is able to conduct again. However, it meant he lost over 3 months of concert and recording schedule. Nevertheless, he hopes to get the "Grasshopper" recorded this year, together with Symphony No. 3 "Ships" and the Variations on "Auld Lang Syne". He really loves Holbrooke's music.

I have a broadcast interview with Howard Griffith talking about his first Holbrooke CD for cpo. He said that he normally doesnt listen again to his own CDs after production. However, with Holbrooke it is quite different, he enjoys listening again and again.

Gareth Vaughan

I would be very interested to hear that interview, if at all possible.