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MDT July pre-releases

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 07 June 2011, 15:01

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Have always thought and been told, if I remember?, that summer was the doldrums for new classical recordings, but MDT lists some good ones coming up I think, some of which have already been mentioned here- Stanford piano quartet no.2 on Naxos (I really want to hear this piece, even though I didn't know it existed before last November. Fortunately, there's still a store or two in the area that sells a range of Naxos CDs- I think. Maybe. Hrm...) Also early Zemlinsky chamber music on Praga (some second or third recordings like the cello sonata, some premieres?). Some things more of interest to me (and not so relevant to the recording industry since I can buy few CDs anymore :( ) - like Bacewicz violin concertos volume 2 on Chandos and Music for Chamber Orchestra Vol. 2 on Dux (still, to these I say Yay!!...) (and two recordings, both reissues, of works by Havergal Brian- a limited edition reissue of symphony 1 to celebrate the July first Proms appearance this year, and symphonies 20/25 reissued on Naxos- holding out some hope that "The last instalment in the re-issued series" does not mean "The last instalment" full-stop caesura with no new releases - but then as mentioned other labels do seem to be taking interest. Anyhow. Moving right along.)

A new recording of Maurice Emmanuel's 2 symphonies announced on Timpani (once available on Marco Polo; I've heard his fine piano sonatines) also interests (well, me.)  The Gliere collection is listed by MDT in the July pre-, btw, likewise the new Ole Olsen sym. 1. (also a Hyperion budget reissue of Piers Lane's recording of Moscheles concert studies; I think I have an LP of some of the studies and a sonata performed by - at a guess, looking at Worldcat- either Philip Challis or Noël Lee, probably the latter. (Erm. Sorry :)  Anyhow, really good stuff if you don't know it, but I suspect many here do!)
Timpani also has announced a recording of Onslow's complete chamber music with winds.

(Which tangentially reminds me how pleased I was to see cpo releasing Onslow's symphonies and how I'd like to see all of Krommer's 8 numbered surviving and several un-numbered symphonies in a series... offtopic again, and must dash...)

Alan Howe

This is a bit of a 'splurge', Eric. I think it would be more helpful to start a separate thread for each new release, otherwise responses may be equally long and hard to follow. It is also impossible to know from its subject line what this thread is actually about...
Thanks in advance!


Alan Howe

Thanks for your understanding, Eric. You are a valuable member of our community.