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Started by Pengelli, Monday 03 January 2011, 16:29

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Mark Thomas

I've now corrected the error in my previous upload of Hinton's First Symphony and have uploaded a new Zip file containing the four movements (including the first movement for the first time!) and a text file. The post, with a changed download link, is here.


Thanks, Mark. I've replaced the first movement file in the archive, so the work is now complete - and even more enjoyably impressive. Hinton was clearly a composer who knew his craft, and these recordings of the Symphony No.1 and Piano Concerto certainly point towards the desirability of professional revival.



Many thanks to reiger for the Louisville recording of

Lennox Berkeley - Four Ronsard Sonnets (Set 2) for tenor and chamber orchestra, Op.62 (1963)

the tenor is Wiliam Whitesides and the movements are -

Ce premier jour de mai (This first day of May)
Je sens une douceur à conter impossible (A delight impossible to describe)
Ma fièvre croist tousjours (My passion brings belief)
Yeux, qui versez en l'ame (Eyes, which turn inward upon the soul)

I have uploaded mp3 alternative files to the archive.


John Whitmore

Quote from: J.Z. Herrenberg on Monday 04 June 2012, 01:51
In 1995 the BBC National Orchestra was in Amsterdam for the Mahler Festival, conducted by Mark Wrigglesworth. I can still remember the flute solo from the Finale of the Tenth, which was heart-rendingly well-played.

Oh, and John - you did an excellent job on the Brian 21!
Cheers Johan but not to be ungrateful I hope somebody on here can find a better quality recording! Have you tried the HB 23rd yet?


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Monday 04 June 2012, 10:46
I've now corrected the error in my previous upload of Hinton's First Symphony.

Oh, YAY!  I can't wait to get home and download it! ;D

Richard Moss


Just catching up on the 'Downloads discussion' section, so many tks for the notes on Matthew Curtis



Do you think it might be possible to ask Christopher if he could supply the movement titles for the Hinton PC?  He may still have a copy of the score, or at least access to it.  He is a member of the forum, you know.

Mark Thomas

As he's a member of the forum you could have emailed him direct, but the movements of Hinton's Piano Concerto are: I. Allegro con spirito,  II. Scherzo & Trio: Tempo di valse, III. Andante con moto - attacca  and  IV. Moderato ma con spirito.


Normally, when I download a work I drop the files into iTunes out of the download folder and don't listen to it in its entirety until later, after I've split it (if necessary), labeled the movements and added the performer information.  I could tell that this is a four movement concerto, or at least a three movement concerto with a scherzo and a slow introduction to the finale from the little I heard.  Thanks for confirming my surmise.  I have a surgery to perform this evening.


I posted the Hinton concerto movements back here (taken from the extensive program notes to a performance in Boston- the first one that took place in that city, though not the work's premiere) about a week ago but understandably they got lost in the flood. The Cliffe symphony movements, since that work has been commercially recorded, can be found at allmusic or other sites.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: John Whitmore on Monday 04 June 2012, 11:51
Oh, and John - you did an excellent job on the Brian 21!

Cheers Johan but not to be ungrateful I hope somebody on here can find a better quality recording! Have you tried the HB 23rd yet?

Yes, I tried it a long time ago, and it tried me, too... It's a pity it has only been performed once, and that the recording in question isn't among the best (neither is the symphony among Brian's best, I think, though it has its moments.)


If that recording I put on there of the 23rd isn't one of the best, I give up!  :P

John Whitmore

Quote from: MVS on Wednesday 06 June 2012, 00:20
If that recording I put on there of the 23rd isn't one of the best, I give up!  :P
Don't give up. 23 is perfectly fine. I'm not very keen on the music but that's par for the course with me and HB. I find him very patchy and clumsy (Johan starts to seeth >:(). Have you replaced your original Brian 21 with my less than perfect improvement or are both of them out there in the ether? I'm not sure how this archive works to be honest.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: MVS on Wednesday 06 June 2012, 00:20
If that recording I put on there of the 23rd isn't one of the best, I give up!  :P

Is there a new one, then?! (seriously)

Just discovered it...

And I see the Faust Prologue has been replaced, too...


Notification of these (the latest excellent Brian recordings contributed by MVS) was posted on 1st June - you can hear more of what is actually going on during the denser passages of No.23 and appreciate the high quality of the orchestral playing.
