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Started by Pengelli, Monday 03 January 2011, 16:29

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Another arrival, courtesy of Dylan, via A.S. -

Richard Arnell (1917-2009) - Symphony No.2, Rufus, Op.33 (1942-44)

Many thanks to both members for getting this broadcast into the archive, albeit by a circuitous route. I have unzipped the file of this 1988 Edward Downes broadcast and re-uploaded the mp3 files.



Quote from: Albion on Thursday 24 November 2011, 17:04
I have been working on two important broadcasts from the 1980s, donated by patmos.beje -

Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900) - The Golden Legend (1886)

I also have this broadcast on r2r tape, and it will be good to hear it again after many years of storage. Thank you Peter, and thank you Albion for all your technical work on the latest uploads.   :)


Anything by Robin Milford friends?  :)


Some further broadcasts from Dundonnell -

Arthur Bliss (1891-1975) - Cello Concerto (1970)
Ernest John Moeran (1894-1950) - Cello Concerto (1945)
Lennox Berkeley (1903-1989) - Symphony No.4, Op.94 (1978)
Michael Tippett (1905-1998) - Symphony No.4 (1976-77)
Elizabeth Maconchy (1907-1994) - Epyllion for Cello and Strings (1975)

These comprise the premieres of Berkeley's and Tippett's fourth symphonies, and vintage performances by the cellists Christopher van Kampen (1945-1997), Thomas Igloi (1947-1976) and Julian Lloyd Webber (b.1951).

Many thanks, Colin.



The first, and very welcome, representation of this composer in the archive, courtesy of Steppenwolf -

Robin Milford (1903-1959) - Fishing by Moonlight, Op.96 (1949-52) - this is the 1952 version for piano and orchestra

Many thanks to our newly-joined friend and fellow British music enthusiast.



Peter Maxwell Davies
A Reel of Spindrift Sky
National Youth Orchestra Iraq
Members of the German National Youth Orchestra
Conductor: Paul MacAlindin
MP3 recorded on October 1, 2011 in the Beethoven Hall Bonn by Deutsche Welle (DW)

Where does the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq go from here? The orchestra has been invited to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2012, after which performances in London and back in Iraq are planned. Nonetheless it will remain a project orchestra for the forseeable future, its members meeting during summer vacations.

Conductor Paul MacAlindin is convinced that the most recent phase of rehearsals in Iraq and the successful first performance abroad will make it easier for the youthful musicians to establish contacts and perform in their homeland. "We hope that we've been able to convince the critics with this Campus Concert," he said. "If ever a concert proved that communication is the essence of music, this one did.",,15462045,00.html


Quote from: Albion on Friday 25 November 2011, 11:26
Some further broadcasts from Dundonnell -

Arthur Bliss (1891-1975) - Cello Concerto (1970)
Ernest John Moeran (1894-1950) - Cello Concerto (1945)
Lennox Berkeley (1903-1989) - Symphony No.4, Op.94 (1978)
Michael Tippett (1905-1998) - Symphony No.4 (1976-77)
Elizabeth Maconchy (1907-1994) - Epyllion for Cello and Strings (1975)

These comprise the premieres of Berkeley's and Tippett's fourth symphonies, and vintage performances by the cellists Christopher van Kampen (1945-1997), Thomas Igloi (1947-1976) and Julian Lloyd Webber (b.1951).

Many thanks, Colin.


Albion has highlighted the fact that the Bliss Cello Concerto is played in this recording by Julian Lloyd Webber(who gave the first London performance of the work in September 1972 in his professional debut) but he has also indicated that the Maconchy and the Moeran are played by cellists who, very sadly, are no longer with us.

The death of Thomas Igloi, in particular, at the extremely young age of 29 is a dreadful tragedy. Igloi had proved in his performances of a number of British cello concerti that he was well on the way to demonstrating an extraordinary affinity for this repertoire. We are all very lucky indeed that a number of these performances will be preserved here. These include the -

Arnold Cooke concerto
Wilfred Josephs concerto
Moeran concerto

...and I would still like-with Albion's agreement I hope-to upload Igloi's performance of the Frank Bridge 'Oration'.


Quote from: Dundonnell on Friday 25 November 2011, 20:10I would still like-with Albion's agreement I hope-to upload Igloi's performance of the Frank Bridge 'Oration'.

Certainly, Igloi was a major talent with a special affinity for British music - this will assuredly not be a run-of-the-mill interpretation or a case of simply getting through the notes. From experience, I'm more than happy to trust Colin's judgement that this is a broadcast which ought to be preserved.



Re Benedict's symphony in G minor- not sure if anyone's listed the movements; if not, the slow movement is an Andante con moto and the finale an Allegro con fuoco (from the Musical Times review of, I think, the manuscript premiere 22 November 1873 at the Crystal Palace, London, before its publication in 1874 by Schlesinger of Berlin. Still don't know the other two movements yet except that the other middle movement is a Scherzo. Incidentally a symphony by MacFarren - in E? - was premiered the next year and is reviewed in the same volume (1 May 1874); one becomes curious for more recordings of his orchestral works (of course, in my case)

(The first movement and scherzo of the Benedict were premiered separately apparently at the Norwich festival, according to the review, and a review of that event spoke at greater length of those movements - will seek it out. May include description etc.)

Ah, here it is.
#Moderato - Allegro appassionato
#Andante con moto (Bflat major ?)
#Allegro con brio (according to Dwight's Journal of Music, 27 December 1873, page 146.) (may have been changed just before publication? or may be a mistake on someone's part. Anyhow, either con fuoco or con brio... ? )


Eric, thanks for supplying the movement details for Benedict's Symphony No.2 - there isn't a lot of readily-available information on his orchestral music, so this research is appreciated.


Just added are some further broadcasts from Dundonnell -

Alan Rawsthorne (1905-1971) - Clarinet Concerto (1936-37); Violin Concerto No.1 (1948); Concertante Pastorale for Flute, Horn and Strings (1951); Symphony No.2, A Pastoral Symphony (1959)
John Joubert (b.1927) - Sinfonietta, Op.38 (1962)
Gordon Crosse (b.1937) - Symphonies for Chamber Orchestra, Op.11 (1964-65)

Many thanks, Colin.



A gentle reminder and guidance for new members -

Members-only threads (for download links) on the Downloads board

Please do not post in the British Music Broadcasts Catalogue and Archive thread as this is exclusively allocated for the BMB catalogue of recordings - subsequent posts will be moved: the location for posting independent downloads is entitled British Music.

Open-access threads on the Downloads Discussion board

The place in which to post alerts and general comment is entitled British music broadcasts.




The latest broadcasts from britishcomposer -

Alun Hoddinott (1929-2008) - Welsh Dances, Suite No.1, Op.15 (1958); Welsh Dances, Suite No.2, Op.64 (1969); Welsh Airs and Dances (1975); Welsh Dances, Suite No.3, Op.123 (1985)

Many thanks, Mathias.



About Benedict's 2nd symphony-

first, thank you :)
later references to the symphony that I find are some of them a bit odd:
*several performances in 1873/1874 (the former from manuscript)
*performance of the Andante and Scherzo only at the 1875 Norwich Festival (or at least, reported in 1875 and referred to as extracts from his "still unfinished" 2nd symphony"- ignorance presumably?- that's the odd part really.)
*republication and/or new performances- need to check again, sorry!! - in 1903 or so (several references in that year's Musical Times).
Reminds me of a post I did or want to put up on the Requests board, at that.


Quote from: Albion on Saturday 26 November 2011, 16:16
The latest broadcasts from britishcomposer -

Alun Hoddinott (1929-2008) - Welsh Dances, Suite No.1, Op.15 (1958); Welsh Dances, Suite No.2, Op.64 (1969); Welsh Airs and Dances (1975); Welsh Dances, Suite No.3, Op.123 (1985)

Many thanks, Mathias.


How brilliant! Thank you!  ;D ;D


Latest additions -

from Sicmu

Nigel Osborne (b.1948) - Sinfonia No.1 (1982)

from mikehopf

Hans Gál (1890-1987) - De Profundis, Op.50 (1936-37)

from Steppenwolf

Robin Milford (1903-1959) - Elegy on the Death of the Duke of Monmouth, Op.50 (1939); Threne, Op.81 (1946-47); Elegiac Meditation, Op.83 (1946-47); Fishing by Moonlight, Op.96 (1949-52)

Full performance details are in the BMB catalogue.

Many thanks to all contributors.
