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Started by Pengelli, Monday 03 January 2011, 16:29

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About Edward Cowie's concerto- it was premiered by Howard Shelley with Sir Charles Groves and the BBCNSO conducted by Sir Charles Groves in Manchester, 1977 at the Proms. This could be the recording we have (the year is the same apparently?).


Many thanks to MVS for providing an excellent recording of

Havergal Brian - Symphony No.7 (1948)

played by the RPO under Harry Newstone in 1966 and broadcast two years later.


J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Albion on Tuesday 29 May 2012, 07:35
Many thanks to MVS for providing an excellent recording of

Havergal Brian - Symphony No.7 (1948)

played by the RPO under Harry Newstone in 1966 and broadcast two years later.


This makes my day!

Mark Thomas

I've just added a recording of a concert performance of Arthur Hinton's 1895 Symphony No.1.


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 29 May 2012, 10:56
I've just added a recording of a concert performance of Arthur Hinton's 1895 Symphony No.1.
By the way, before and in case anyone asks, the answer is no(!)


Wouldn't that be after anyone asks, since I think I, and others, already did awhile back :) but thanks again


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 29 May 2012, 10:56
I've just added a recording of a concert performance of Arthur Hinton's 1895 Symphony No.1.

Thanks very much for this, Mark - fascinating!


Do you know if the Dan Franklin Smith/ Lambeth Orchestra/ Christopher Fifield performance (March 2002) of the Piano Concerto was recorded as well?


Mark Thomas

No idea I'm afraid but you could try emailing Chris Fifield - he's a sometime member here.

Alan Howe

Lovely stuff, the Hinton Symphony No.1. It sems to me to inhabit a musical world somewhat more luxuriant than that of Stanford - perhaps unsurprisingly so given that he was half a generation younger than CVS. What a shame that, like Cliffe's magnificent 1st Symphony, this music has been consigned to virtually complete obscurity; were it not for Chris Fifield's enthusiastic advocacy we wouldn't be able to hear it all. So thanks for this upload: a real find!


Again, many thanks to MVS, this time for

Graham Whettam - Sinfonia drammatica (1978)


Mark Thomas

Breaking news: I may have located a recording of the Hinton Piano Concerto concert.  Watch this space (but don't hold your breath)...


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 29 May 2012, 21:17
Breaking news: I may have located a recording of the Hinton Piano Concerto concert.  Watch this space (but don't hold your breath)...

I'm afraid I've already turned blue and passed out ...


Mark Thomas

Will someone please tell Albion when he wakes up that either I or another member (who contacted me) will upload the Hinton PC performance in the next few days. You wait years for one Hinton to arrive and then...

Mark Thomas

Allison has now uploaded the Hinton PC!


Hinton concerto is described in great detail here. From these notes to the Boston premiere (first Boston performance, I mean- it was premiered in late 1905) in March 1908 (which also had works by Converse and MacDowell; and typically for Boston Symphony notes in those days ... sigh! ... had -very- detailed biographies and much else about each composer and the works performed. Envy, envy, envy envy. And yes, thanks to Google- not for trying to "copyright" these scans and enforce it technologically besides, but yes, for scanning these very interesting  program notes and other things in the first place, for that yes thanks.)

So- briefly:
Hinton Piano Concerto Opus 24 in D minor, premiered 1905 (not published until 1920 ; composition date unknown of this writing.)

1) Allegro con spirito
2) Scherzo - (Trio : ) Tempo di valse
3) Andante con moto (in E-flat major) - attacca
4) Moderato ma con spirito

Yes, I know that three tracks were uploaded. However, every description I have read - Dan Franklin Smith's blog, these 1908 program notes, the MusicWeb review of the modern premiere that these mp3s are from (Smith/Fifield/etc.) ...agrees there are 4 movements. Maybe the third track is movements 3 and 4 together. :) Guessing so from its slow opening. Agreed- thanks, Allison, and for the Cliffe symphony too!