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IRR in trouble?

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 02 April 2015, 22:49

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Alan Howe

Mind you, we should be grateful for MusicWeb.

Delicious Manager

I remember Records and Recording. Yes, thank goodness for MusicWeb International (to which I am a sometime contributor).


I remember Records and Recording. Didn't they rate recordings by giving them a score out of 50 so you'd choose one disc of Beethoven's 5th over another because it scored 47 and not 46!
I also remember Hi Fi News and Record Review. I was only a boy at the time but I won their crossword competition (prize: record tokens, I think)...twice actually! Impressed?!

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

I enjoyed Thomas Heinitz's reviews in R & R. He died back in 1997.


Yes, I remember Records and Recording and Hi-Fi News and Record Review.  Along with the Penguin Guides (I collected all the old editions so I could assess re-releases!) they gave a pretty good idea of what one could expect from a particular LP. I was generally entertained, informed and fairly accurately guided, and it is a pity that the on-line equivalents are generally weaker on each count.