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Broadcast of Rosenberg's 5th

Started by DaveF, Sunday 19 June 2011, 21:15

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A Swedish contact has alerted me to a broadcast of Rosenberg's 5th symphony (Hortulanus/Örtagårdsmästaren) on Swedish Radio on Tuesday 21st June.  Not from the scratchy old "Rosenberg conducts Rosenberg" CD, but a live performance from 1992 which he (contact) rates very highly.  If you go to and expand Klassisk förmiddag with the '+' sign, you'll see it.  I shall be at work and I'm not sure whether Sveriges Radio offers a listen again service, but if anyone were to record it and put it on MediaFire, I'd fall upon it with a glad cry.


Edit - Yes, there is a listen again option - on the page for the actual programme the "Senaste sändningen" (last broadcast) button does just that.


No need to hurry things: the listen-again service is available for up to 30 days! Who can beat that?! The BBC has 7 days, German radio none at all...


Concertzender Hilversum-now-Amsterdam apparently indefinitely or 4 years anyway (for their programs late 2006 or so and newer :) ) - not sure if this is still the case, haven't checked recently.


Latvian Radio has listen again option for about two years, Estonian Radio many programs for several weeks, Finland has it but sometimes it is in Finland only, hit or miss, Catalan radio has some programs available for a short time, usually not the exciting ones!, and Spanish radio has lots of podcasts, Portuguese radio has numerous programs for about a month, Slovakian radio selected programs but Musica Slovaca at 2300 only sometimes, Netherlands Radio 4 repeats Avondconzert, Saturday Matinee, Thursday night and Friday night programs, in season, these are usually available for about 2 weeks, and others, that's all I can think of right now. And in America we barely have interesting (i.e. unsung) classical music broadcasts the first time!


well, even in the US still some glad exceptions to that rule, but skimming the radio listings of a major city newspaper here from a couple of decades or so ago and comparing is a recipe for despair. Now the same newspaper (it goes by the nickname The Newspaper of Record) has no classical radio playlists, I believe, or none I've found, but that might be in part because of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act/DMCA (I am sure I have the name wrong) which some stations completely ignore somehow anyway even here (though I gather the law is an international agreement or relates to one, and I've seen this trend internationally, memory serves... again not with every station, a fair number of which still print detailed playlists well in advance anyway) and others use as their reason for posting listings (playlists, I mean, not schedules which are set in advance anyway) online only after an item has already begun (the former fact makes me think that this is perhaps only an excuse, but that may deserve its own topic, perhaps in this part of the forum).


Quote from: eschiss1 on Sunday 19 June 2011, 22:14
Concertzender Hilversum-now-Amsterdam apparently indefinitely or 4 years anyway...

I must look into that one too - however do you find the programme you want?  And think - if BBC Radio 3 went down that road, we'd all be able to listen to the complete works of Mozart - forever!!!

Have now just listened to the first minute of Örtagårdsmästaren - saving the full experience for after bedtime stories.  O dear me it's beautiful - about as far ahead of the old Rosenberg recording as, well, the CD version of Johannes uppenbarelse is.  An evening spent listening to that while looking at a picture of Erika Libeck Lindahl - that'll do nicely, thanks.



Concertzender? I do a google search this way:



I dont want to be abussive. But did anyone recorded a file of the Rosenberg 5th Symphony?
Would love to have a recorded file, if you guys dont mind.

Dozen Thanks,



Yes, I did, and I assume that Swedish law is the same as English in respect of off-air recordings being in the public domain - i.e. I wouldn't be breaking any laws by putting the recording online.

However, the broadcast is still available for listening at the link in my first message.  The spoken introduction begins at 19"30'.  The sound is good apart from one unfortunate drop-out of about 2 seconds in the 4th movement.



P2 keeps their recordings up for a month, I believe, or at least some of their programs do...


I was wishing (if we are not breaking any rules), to get a good quality recording from you guys. Because my recording device is not really the best.
But anyway, i will record it somehow so i can just have the music only.
