Rufinatscha 6 on Classic FM shock!

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 28 June 2011, 22:40

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Alan Howe

Yes, it's true!! Classic FM will be broadcasting Rufinatscha 6 (the Chandos recording) on Thursday 7th July in their Full Works programme which starts at 8pm (Schubert 6 and The Lark Ascending - yawn - precede R6). Would you Adam and Eve it?

Mark Thomas

Good grief! Maybe he'll turn out to be the next Gorecki? (I do hope not).


Well, I just caught that. It is the third performance of the work that I have heard (after the Tyrolean disc and the BBC broadcast) and easily the most convincing (though maybe I'm just becoming better acquainted with the music). Clearly Rufinatscha is the biggest rediscovery since Rott. His style fits neatly between Schubert and Bruckner and I look forward to hearing more of it.

Alan Howe

Quote from: Hovite on Thursday 07 July 2011, 22:07
Clearly Rufinatscha is the biggest rediscovery since Rott.

That's quite a statement - but one, in terms of the nineteenth century, with which I would wholeheartedly agree.