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Michael F. P. Huber (*1971)

Started by a.b., Thursday 21 July 2011, 21:44

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Michael F. P. Huber (*1971) - Symphonie Nr. 2, op. 44

I have been waiting so log time for this record:
I am very interested in your opinion of Huber's symphony!

There is only a small Austrian tradition of writing symphonies in the last 100 years: for instance by Johann Nepomuk David, Gottfried von Einem, Iván Eröd, Ernst Krenek, Karl Schiske, Franz Schmidt, or Egon Wellesz. Since I have heard both premiers of Huber's symphonies, I am convinced: Huber is the first really important symphonic composer of Austria since Gustav Mahler!

In the booklet you can read:
"... in the future the bond between Johann Rufinatscha and Michael F.P. Huber will be further strengthened: the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum, as the keeper of the works of
Rufinatscha left to the museum by the composer, has commissioned Huber to compose wind parts to go with the string parts preserved from his Symphony in C minor."

I do hope very, very much, we will find on the same program with Rufinatscha's Symphony in C also Huber symphony no. 1, op. 38 (premiered 28.02.2009 by InnStrumenti and Gerhard Sammer), played by the enthusiasm of Akademie St. Blasius. Both symphonies are quite different! Enjoy - Huber is great !