Liege Philharmonic Überbox

Started by Ilja, Saturday 02 July 2011, 12:38

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Hi all,

About a week ago, I found this box:

On JPC. It's 50 (sic) CDs of the Liege Philharmonic's recordings for a mere 60 Euros. And even though not all is romantic stuff, and lots of it is 'sung', there are some real good things to be had. Just a quick summing up:

  • Bartholomee: Fredons & Tarabusts; Humoresque
  • Biarent: Poeme heroique; Rapsodie allonne für Klavier & Orchester; Trenmor; Symphonie d-moll; 2 Sonette nach Heredia für Cello & Orchester
  • Boesmans: Violinkonzert; Conversions; Klavierkonzert
  • Bruch: Konzert für Klarinette, Viola & Orchester op. 88 (Ausz.)
  • Busoni: Nocturne symphonique
  • Chausson: Symphonie op. 20, Contes d'Orient
  • Dupuis: Macbeth; Pour un drame; Macbeth; Invocation für Cello & Orchester; Prelude & Danse für Violine & Orchester; Suiten d-moll & B-Dur; Legende für Cello & Orchester; Poeme für Cello & Orchester; Moiina
  • Escaich: Orgelkonzert; Symphonie Nr. 1; Fantaisie concertante für Klavier & Orchester
  • Gossec: Grande Messe des Morts; Symphonie a 17 parties pour Orchestre
  • Greef: Klavierkonzert (No. 1, I checked)
  • Gretry: Danses villageoises; Cephale et Procris; L'Epreuve villageoise-Ouvertüre; Les Mariages samnites-Ouvertüre; Richard coeur de Lion-Ouvertüre; Marches celebres
  • Jongen: Comala; Clair de luneop. 33; Harfenkonzert op. 129; Orchestersuite Nr. 3 op. 95; Passacaille & Gigue op. 90; Symphonie concertante für Orgel & Orchester op. 81
  • Kersters: Ulenspiegel de Geus
  • Leduc: Overture d'ete op. 28; Symphonie Nr. 29; Le Printemps op. 25
  • Lekeu: Barberine; Etudes symphoniques Nr. 1 & 2; Fantaisie sur deux airs populaires angevins; Adagio pour Quatuor d'orchestre; Fantaisie contrapuntique sur un cramignon liegeois; Epithalame für Streicher; Larghetto für Cello & Orchester; Fantaisie contrapuntique sur un cramignon liegeois; Chant lyrique für Chor & Orchester; Andromede; Introduction symphonique aux "Burgraves"
  • Magnard: Hymne a Venus

Not surprisingly, a lot of local heroes Guillaume Lekeu and Albert Dupuis, and also a good number of works by Tournemire.


have heard a number of those works- Biarent, Dupuis, among others- some really good stuff there...