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Romanian music

Started by lechner1110, Wednesday 13 July 2011, 08:53

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Well,I can't name a certain source.It's known that some of Romania's greatest composers-Paul Constantinescu,Zeno Vancea,Sabin Dragoi,Nicolae Branzeu,ionel Perlea, were members or only admirers of this Iron Guard.In which measure they remained as such after the crimes their members commited I don't know.But,for sure,they adhered to the nationalist,extreme right,antisemitic ideology.It is relly strange to hear that about Paul Constantinescu, born Paul Cohn and baptised.As long this ideology doesn't find place in the music,I really don't care so much,although for me this is not mere a footnote in their biography.


Thanks, Jacky; this is all new to me.

I've been unable to track anything down during a quick web search, and a quick scan through my books. I suppose the evidence, such as it may be, will not be in English and will not be on the web. I dare say that Romanian authorities wouldn't want such an affiliation to tarnish any of its musical icons!


  Jacky, Thank you very much for second symphony by Enescu.  Completed symphony cycle of G.Enescu festival 2011 :)


My pleasure.I couldn't record the Dixtuor for winds (with the Sabine Meyer wind ansamble) and the Octet (with Kremerata Baltica).I was in the concert hall and I don't know about any other broadcastings. :)


I am going to upload works by the Romanian composer Stefan Niculescu (1927-2008).He is considered a member of the "golden generation" a kind of "mighty five" of the Romanian music.They had to fight with everything:the crushing shadow of Enescu,the isolation from the West,the policy of the Communist Party.There was nothing like the Polish avanguard here .This generation took another path of the avanguard,based on modes-rooted in the traditional music-and heterophony.Then, like in the USSR,everything came suddenly:atonality,serialism,improvisation...
The recordings I share here-coming from digitalised Romanian LP's and Radio Romania archives, encompass 40 years of music from Symphonies for 15 soloists from 1963 to the Requiem from 2006.
Niculescu's style shifted in the last years and he became more and more involved in absorbing the Eastern Church's music into the mould of his music.It's nothing like Part,Taverner or Penderecki-the music remains the same uncompromising,abstract and dissonant but enriched with a spiritual dimension.His last work was Pomenire (in Romanian Ceremony for the Departed) a Romanian Requiem for bass solo,organ,chorus and large orchestra.The music shares some similarities with Zeno Vancea's Requiem shared here.The title-Romanian Requiem remindes us Brahms.The text comes from the New Testament,and the Orthodox burying prayers.I hope this kind of music will be appreciated by some of you.


I can't seem to download the Branzeu symphony.  Nothing happens.  Help!  Malito


Quote from: malito on Tuesday 14 February 2012, 23:10
I can't seem to download the Branzeu symphony.  Nothing happens.  Help!  Malito

I just clicked on teh line that said "here" and had  not trouble.  I will also past the link in the downloads so you can cut and paste in your browser.


Quote from: Jacky on Tuesday 14 February 2012, 22:58
I am going to upload works by the Romanian composer Stefan Niculescu (1927-2008).He is considered a member of the "golden generation" a kind of "mighty five" of the Romanian music.They had to fight with everything:the crushing shadow of Enescu,the isolation from the West,the policy of the Communist Party.There was nothing like the Polish avanguard here .This generation took another path of the avanguard,based on modes-rooted in the traditional music-and heterophony.Then, like in the USSR,everything came suddenly:atonality,serialism,improvisation...
The recordings I share here-coming from digitalised Romanian LP's and Radio Romania archives, encompass 40 years of music from Symphonies for 15 soloists from 1963 to the Requiem from 2006.
Niculescu's style shifted in the last years and he became more and more involved in absorbing the Eastern Church's music into the mould of his music.It's nothing like Part,Taverner or Penderecki-the music remains the same uncompromising,abstract and dissonant but enriched with a spiritual dimension.His last work was Pomenire (in Romanian Ceremony for the Departed) a Romanian Requiem for bass solo,organ,chorus and large orchestra.The music shares some similarities with Zeno Vancea's Requiem shared here.The title-Romanian Requiem remindes us Brahms.The text comes from the New Testament,and the Orthodox burying prayers.I hope this kind of music will be appreciated by some of you.
I am a devotee of Romanian music, you mentioned "The Mighty Five", I'm interested in knowing who they might be..
Are they Vladigerov, Raychev, Constantinescu,Cuclin and Enescu? I would have included Vieru, but I have not heard any of his music that I wish to hear again.


Vladigerov and Raichev are Bulgarians.  Of the Romanians I would include Constantinescu.


Quote from: malito on Wednesday 22 February 2012, 23:51
Vladigerov and Raichev are Bulgarians.  Of the Romanians I would include Constantinescu.
Yes, you are correct..sorry I tend to mix the two nationalities


Romanians tend to have a lot of their names end with "cu".  The language is a Romance language, related more closely to French, Italian and Spanish.  Bulgarian is a Slavic language, so you get a lot of "ev" "sky" and "ov" name endings.  It's very close to Russian.


There are some exceptions, and Latvian from UC is more of an authority than I am, but a Latvian male's first and last names both end with an "s". Some examples would be Janis Ivanovs, Jazeps Vitols, Jazeps Medins, Imants Kalnins, Romualds Kalsons and Peteris Vasks all of whose music can be found here. A woman's name in Latvia begins and ends with an "e".


Ok.The mighty five are Niculescu,Vieru,Olah,Stroe and Marbe.They all are born between 1926-1932 and died between 1998-2008.As I said,they represent the generation which comes after Enescu,Constantinescu,Dragoi,Cuclin.One might say that also Bentoiu is in this generation-he is born in 1927 and still alive,but his musical trajectory was somehow different and the results less amazing then of those I mentioned.As I didn't recieve any reaction about my upload,I didn't know exactly if Niculescu's music was of some interest-I am new here,and the large majority of music offered here is rather tonal,therefore I thought it might not be on the UC members taste.I have in my vaults music of Vieru-I had the happy opportunity that my parents befriended his family,therefore I have a bulk of private recordings which I would like to share.I hope to do so today or tomorrow.
Regarding Romanian names,this is rather a mixed  nation with very different influences.The typicall name ends with "escu".


Quote from: Jacky on Thursday 23 February 2012, 11:31
Ok.The mighty five are Niculescu,Vieru,Olah,Stroe and Marbe.They all are born between 1926-1932 and died between 1998-2008.As I said,they represent the generation which comes after Enescu,Constantinescu,Dragoi,Cuclin.One might say that also Bentoiu is in this generation-he is born in 1927 and still alive,but his musical trajectory was somehow different and the results less amazing then of those I mentioned.As I didn't recieve any reaction about my upload,I didn't know exactly if Niculescu's music was of some interest-I am new here,and the large majority of music offered here is rather tonal,therefore I thought it might not be on the UC members taste.I have in my vaults music of Vieru-I had the happy opportunity that my parents befriended his family,therefore I have a bulk of private recordings which I would like to share.I hope to do so today or tomorrow.
Regarding Romanian names,this is rather a mixed  nation with very different influences.The typicall name ends with "escu".

You mention that you had not had any reaction to your uploads of some pieces by Stefan Niculescu.

I shall be honest in saying that I download any and all orchestral music from the 20th century uploaded by members of this site ;D This is in the hope (still not realised ;D ;D) that I shall somehow find time to listen to it all :) I tend to dip into certain pieces that I am not quite sure about to sample the music.
In a tiny handful of cases(less than ten out of hundreds and hundreds) I have deleted these downloads because I found the music too advanced for my tastes :(

The music of Stefan Niculescu you uploaded is still awaiting my final decision. I think that I shall probably keep the Symphony No.5 "Litanies", which is written in an idiom which I find difficult to like but which I can just about handle, and the "Pomenire" Requiem, which is the most appealing to me of the Niculescu works, but delete the others, which I don't care for.

The Vieru Flute Concerto which is, I think, the only Vieru on here would suggest that more of his music would be interesting to hear :)


You're right.There is a lot of interesting music here,and I downloaded a small part of it-mainly the things which I might find interesting.
I am downloading some Vieru music.All the recordings come from CD's recieved by me from the composer's family.These are not,of course,commercial recordings,and the CD medium was choosen to archivate their private recordings.I think that is a very interesting and nice music,not intended for a quick listen.Hope that you all will enjoy this great unsung composer. :)