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Romanian music

Started by lechner1110, Wednesday 13 July 2011, 08:53

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does someone know Pavel Constantinescu's Piano Concerto?


  Hi, Andrea

    I don't know 'Pavel' Constantinescu.
    I guess 'Pavel' equal 'Paul'
    I have Paul Constantinescu's Piano Concerto.
    This is live performance broadcast recording at 25.March.2011.
    If you interest it, I can upload soon.



Sorry for the mistake, I had only an old score of the Toccata and didn't remember the correct spelling of the name.
Yes, if you can, i'd like to listen his PC, I have a Romanian friend who spoke me enthusiastically of it.
I thank you, Andrea


  I must going office now.
  I will upload it when I return home :D



Pavel is the Slavonic language equivalent of Paul.  As far as the Romanian (a Romance language with strong Slavic inflections) equivalent of Paul is concerned, your guess is as good as mine.



thankyou very much  A. S.
you made me happy.
bye, Andrea


just listened the piano concerto, with great pleasure.
Again I thank you A. S.


have you some recording of music by Marcel Mihalovici?
I know that often he is considered as a French composer, but I think in his music often the romanian character is clear.
I have conducted several years ago the Etude en deux partie pour Piano, brass, winds and percussion, a very interesting piece.
Have you notice of a recording of it? Maybe by Monique Haas, Mihalovici's wife.
Thank you, Andrea


About Romanians and for violin fans, on Youtube you've 26 short pieces played but great Gypsy virtuoso Grigoras Dinicu, a Flesch pupil and a fantastic violinist, playing some of his own and some "classical" pieces. After hearing him playing his "Hora Staccato", I find Heifetz's arrangement academic and fake. Add the IMO one of the best violin interpretations of a short piece ever done: Ginette Neveu's playing Scarlatescu Bagatelle. And last, one of the most beautiful romantic short works for violin and orchestra: Ballad by Ciprian Porumbescu (1853/83)


Haven't seen it, but the Mihalovici (1898-1985) Etude in two parts op.64 , his study op.80 and sonata op.90 were recorded by Erato in 1972, the sonata I think indeed recorded by his wife, according to Worldcat. The first two works were coupled with a work by André Jolivet in a Musical Heritage Society reissue. Other works have been recorded of Mihalovici's, including his sextet (a quartet, his 3rd op.52, with parts for voice and piano apparently?) - on Electrecord in the 1960s; his oboe sonatina, on CD fairly recently; a trumpet work on a Mark CD in 2003; his op.45 violin sonata on a DG LP some years back; etc. I do have a broadcast recording, I think- it may be from LP or CD instead- of the Porumbescu; it's quite good I agree.

(Reminds me that I heard a concert played live of works by... have to find a program. Solo works by - hrm. list of Romanian composers jogs a memory, it might have been Dumitrescu. Not sure. Back in 2005... in New York City... wonder if they've been recorded. Need to see, again, if I can find the program somewhere :) )


By the way, by Dimitrescu (sometimes referred to as Dimitresco for instance, which can help if one wants to find reviews of his work contemporaneously- which has its uses) I'd only seen before some of his string quartets (in score or parts). Thanks for uploading some of his concertante music!

Alan Howe

Thanks, A.S., for the upload of Enescu's works, especially the completions of Symphonies 4 and 5!


have heard one or both of Bentoiu's Enescu symphonies (and, I think, Enescu symphonic poem completions by him or another- need to check) on the radio a couple of times- I don't think either's ever made a CD appearance. They're not even especially late works (compared to, say, odd - though really good, to my mind - Vox Maris and chamber symphony, etc.) - but are also really worth hearing, and I wish they would find a (hopefully new) performance and commercial release and whatnot (unlikely- Enescu still hasn't the name recognition of Elgar, Mahler or Bruckner- but... who knows. Not begrudging the completions of their works at all- very glad to have them- more, not less, please :) )


Yes, A.S. thanks for all of the Enescu - boy that fills in a gap in the old collection
