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Romanian music

Started by lechner1110, Wednesday 13 July 2011, 08:53

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Ah, one other thing- I think I have several recordings conducted by Christian Badea- but of American modern music, not Romanian late-Romantic. And his recordings of the former are some of the best I know- he holds the threads together (indeed he and the orchestra are so unfazed by the mechanics- the rhythm, the orchestrational and other quirks...- they can concentrate on the content, with accordingly fine results; I wish he rather than the at-sea Dennis Russell Davies had recorded symphonies 6,7 and 9 by Roger Sessions for Argo, as Badea's recording of 4 and 5 has seemed to me one of those examples of how it should be done.)
Anyhow. Tangent (sort of; Enescu's writing in his mid-to-late chamber music especially but not only, is every bit as difficult to see forest-for-trees in, though tonal... while Badea is the conductor in the early symphony 1 only, I think he'd do well with the late orchestral music too. And my trouble with the 1st symphony has always been a feeling that it sprawls- and again, Badea has a talent for holding things together- if anyone can convince -me- of that work, I expect he can. Just saying :) )


Not sure I noticed it mentioned in your listing of Enescu symphonies, but according to what I think is the concert listing of the festival these concerts were from - here -

*Marius Vlad Budoiu was the tenor in the Enescu 5th symphony on Sept.5
*"ACADEMIC CHOIR" OF THE ROMANIAN NATIONAL RADIO SOCIETY was the choir in the 3rd symphony's finale (I think only in the finale- need to listen to the symphony now. I used to have the Marco Polo recording I think and used to know the symphony.

If they rebroadcast them hope you will consider taping not only symphony 2 but Isis/Issis too (from September 3. though BBC Radio 3 sometimes broadcasts an older recording of that Bentoiu completion, will be good to hear this newer performance :) ).
Hope next festival they'll perform an Alfred Mendelsohn symphony again as in past years :)  i do notice the Enescu early piano trio and one of the late piano quartets though (more familiar with the latter, which I've heard once on an Olympia CD and a number of times on Naxos... terrific stuff!)


Hi eschiss1,

thanks for your upload of Cuclin's Ninth. I might add it was composed in 1949, and also a note about the key: when I listened to the symphony I was surprised to hear C sharp Minor instead of A Minor. I thus did some research, and really, MGG (some kind of German New Grove) says the symphony is actually in C sharp Minor. By the way, from all I know this must really be a broadcast recording. Three of Cuclin's symphonies have been issued on LP: Nos. 11, 13&16. From those I have Nos. 11&13 but I miss No. 16.



C-sharp minor? Thank you, need to correct that. I do need to mention by the way that my recording of Wellesz 2 in another folder is also in C-sharp minor (I haven't seen the score though I hope it will be republished soon... it is I am fairly sure in E-flat minor...), not because the work is, but because the tape is so bad it comes out about a whole-tone flat :( (not exactly of course- anyone with perfect pitch, which I do not have, should probably avoid that- sorry. :( )


Small point - the "Stefanescu" for those who like to get such things just right should be "Stefănescu" apparently...
As to Cuclin I've seen library catalog records of the recording of sym 16 in F major but haven't heard it either.

Andricu sym.4 opus 76- ah, this LP was coupled at one point with the sinfonietta no.12 op.119 (conducted by Petre Sbârcea), a work which has been broadcast over BBC Euroclassic Notturno/Euronotturno several times probably from the same compilation LP released in 1977.
No, my mistake- it's Andricu's sinfonietta no. 13, Elenescu conducting, that was broadcast e.g. in 2009... (and several times between 2005 and 2010.)


Looking forward to hearing the Mendelsohn/Rogalski file (an LP did indeed couple works of those, I see, though it was of chamber music.) I've only heard the Mendelsohn symphony once, awhile back, but I did like it. Haven't heard Rogalski at all just yet. Thanks!
(Wonder what Mendelsohn's symphonies 3 "Reconstruction"? and 8 are like...)


I am uploading a performance of Enescu's Symphony No.1 played by the French National Radio Orchestra conducted by the Rumanian conductor Mircea Cristescu: taken from French Radio.


I find it hard to believe that Toduta Sigismund has not yet been discussed in this forum, let alone as a great composer internationally.
Let's see if we can address that injustice.
As this article Wikipedia(translated) article will attest, he was someone of great importance, especially in his homeland. Is this reminiscent of Miaskovsky's plight?

I have these 2 pieces and they are Bartokian sounding but definitely not imitative and more lyrical..
Concerto no. 2 for String Orchestra
Concerto no. 4 for String Orchestra
here are some samples at his web home for listening:


  Oh! I forgot to upload Toduta!
  I have recording of symphony no.1.
  I will upload it in few days.

Mark Thomas

Atsushi, I suspect that the attractive Romanian Suite is by Constantin C. Nottara (1890 - 1951 ), not his father Constantin I Nottara, who was an actor. The Suite dates from 1930.


  Oh Yes. It's my mistook from web search!  Thanks.


Ah, good to see some Negrea- I have the scherzo from his Spring Symphony somewhere or other, but haven't yet heard anything else. Thanks!

( ...
anything else by Negrea. :) )


Quote from: A.S on Sunday 04 December 2011, 08:55

  Oh Yes. It's my mistook from web search!  Thanks.

Thanks for the latest uploads, Atsushi!  I especially like the Norrara. :)

Do you by any chance have a date for the Negrea work, please?


Quote from: semloh on Monday 05 December 2011, 01:35
Quote from: A.S on Sunday 04 December 2011, 08:55

  Oh Yes. It's my mistook from web search!  Thanks.

Thanks for the latest uploads, Atsushi!  I especially like the Norrara. :)

Do you by any chance have a date for the Negrea work, please?

Hi, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed these :D
Maybe, Negrea's work was composed at 1952. 
According to Romania wikpedia, It seems that original version of this suite is film music.


Quote from: A.S on Friday 02 December 2011, 07:39

  Oh! I forgot to upload Toduta!
  I have recording of symphony no.1.
  I will upload it in few days.

Thank you so much for the Toduta 1, I can't wait to hear it!

BTW:Would you happen to have Raychev symphonies 1 and 3? He wrote 6 in total.
I know he is Bulgarian, but I thought I'd ask here..
Marvelous composer, you can hear his 2nd here:
BTW:I do not think this is the recent release as the track timings is different..