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Romanian music

Started by lechner1110, Wednesday 13 July 2011, 08:53

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Yes, please let us hear more Vieru when you can :)

The Niculescu Requiem is written in a modern idiom but is still an impressive-sounding piece :)


Thanks, Jacky, for the further Vieru uploads :)

You certainly make very high claims for the Cello Concerto No.1 ;D so that one will make especially interesting listening :)

I do like very much what I am hearing of the Symphony No.7 :) Do you have recordings of any of the other symphonies ???


Yes the cello concerto is exceptional,at the same level with Lutoslawsky,Dutillieux,Schnittke.
I wanted to give some homework:Olympia issued Symphonies 2,3,4,5,the double concerto for violin,cello and orchestra and Psalm 1993.The last three are masterpieces.I will soon upload other Vieru items-among them the sixth symphony "Exodus" .


Jacky, Thank you for the Vieru orchestral works you have uploaded.  I look forward to more symphonies and concertos of his as I am primarily a symphony and concerto collector.  Malito


I continue my series devoted to unsung romanian composers -are there sung romanian composers?- :o with an unsung contemporary composer:Serban Nichifor.His music is nearer of those by Killar or Preisner so I recommend it to all the members to this forum,not only the adventurous ones.
Nichifor,born 1954,is really unsung.I can't point out the reasons-the fact that his music is very accesible,sometimes shifting to kitschy and saccharine,might be a reason.The "establishment" in what concerns contemporary music in Romania preffers more difficult and complicated music, music played only in festivals and attended by the "establishment" musicians but next to zero earnest music lover.Of course there are real values in today's music here-like Doina Rotaru-but this is an exception.The human quality of composers like Vieru,Niculescu and Stroe died with them.
I must appologize for the lossy quality of the recordings-digitalised personal LP's and Romanian Radio archives.It is very difficult to find recordings of this music.
I will post here three symphonies (Mal,that's for you  ;D),the Requiem (so already the third Romanian Requiem here on UC) and some other works.As usual,insights in a word document attached.Recommanded for all the romantic,post romantic,neoromantic  ::) music lovers.


Multumesc foarte bine, Jacky!  Mal


Quote from: Jacky on Thursday 01 March 2012, 14:23
are there sung romanian composers?

Obviously Enescu is the most sung, though granted he's close to a 'one hit wonder'. Dinicu and Ivanovici would both fulfill the 'one hit wonder' tag even more, though


QuoteObviously Enescu is the most sung, though granted he's close to a 'one hit wonder'. Dinicu and Ivanovici would both fulfill the 'one hit wonder' tag even more, though

Enescu's first Rhapsody,doesn't make Enescu a sung composer.His artistic output is virtually unsung-i.e the orchestral or chamber music.As for Dinicu and Ivanovici these are not composers-Dinicu was a gipsy violonist and Ivanovici the conductor of a military brass band.


Thanks very much to Jacky for the large collection of music by Serban Nichifor :)

Looking forward to hearing this composer based on the introductory remarks :)  Could I add too that it is extremely helpful to have your written Insights into the composer's music :) This helps a huge amount with music with which people will be totally unfamiliar. Thank you for these too :) :)


Symphony No.4 by the way was released on a Olympia CD 417 with the violin concerto by Paul Constantinescu...


I didn't know.I have my old LP.I have to delete it,I think. >:(


OK I changed the download link.It will appear after the OK from the moderator  ???


Jacky: Thanks a lot for so many Nichifor compositions.
Many years ago I became a fan of his Symphony No. 4 (West to East) after listening to it on the radio.
I'm glad to become re-acquainted with it plus getting to know so many other works of this terrific composer.


Some say that he is terrible-the same "establishment" ditto.About Liana Alexandra (1947-2011) aka MRS Nichifor they have the same opinion.Next week you'll listen to her music, too. ::)
His music is sometimes kitschy like a blockbuster soundtrack, but othertimes is really good-listen to his Second Symphony or some parts of the Requiem.


The Nichifor Symphony No.2 and the Requiem are most certainly really delightful, romantic works :)

Sad-but not unexpected-that the musical establishment should despise such music :(