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Romanian music

Started by lechner1110, Wednesday 13 July 2011, 08:53

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I can see that I am for the time being the only uploader in the Romanian section.Each weekend,as long I'll have something interesting,I'll share.And because I don't want to be "the bad guy with modern music" I am going to offer this week music by some composers that already have been introduced to our forum with music roughly written till 1960.I want to add that the sources come from Romania Radio.We have in this forum like in others, I suppose, members who try hardly to show that this or that recording comes from a certain CD, and you have to delete that very link.I won't do so:the Aubade recording is not taken from the CD with works by Lipatti, and others are recordings made by Radio Romania and sourcing from there.
Today's installment contains a mixed bag with chamber,symphonic,concertante,choral music.
Lipatti:Aubade for wind quintet
Capoianu:Cinematographic variations for Orchestra,Violin concerto,Song without words
Andricu Simfonietta no 2
Ion Nona Ottescu De la Matei citire
Sigismund Toduta:Divertimento for strings,4 tabulatures by Valentin Bakfark (baroque composer from Brasov) transcribed for strings,the St John Liturgy for mixed choir.
I have noticed that my insights are not interesting-judging the number of downloads-so I won't add to the batch any .doc document.


Hi Jacky,

Do you have anything by Paul Richter that hasn't already been uploaded? Please don't get discouraged because things have slowed down right now.



Hi Jacky,

you can be sure your uploads - and also your insights - are highly appreciated in general. Details as you wrote about the performers of the Velehorschi / Popa LP are quite of interest for me, as background information is often fascinating. I also read your notes about the fascist connections of some older Romanian composers, a fact about which I never heard anything before but it was good to know this even if I like their music nevertheless (at least partially).

My own Romanian collection is not that large that I could share much. I am thinking about uploading Drăgoi's Divertisment rustic since members seemed to like his Piano Concerto, but I have to admit that I do not really consider the Divertisment to be a good piece.

As for your statement about you being "the bad guy with modern music": don't be vexed about that. I guess the general taste here is a bit more conservative indeed, I wouldn't exclude myself here either. Actually regarding the Romanian composers born in the late 1920s or early 1930s my favourite is probably Pascal Bentoiu, who is clearly not the most modernist one. I would be glad to get a full recording of his Cello Concerto, in fact (I only have an excerpt).

Also, as talking about wishes, a composer I would definitely like to explore more is Gheorghe Dumitrescu. I wonder whether there are any recordings of his symphonies apart from No. 3 (which I have).


Jacky - the most delightful music you're introducing us to here ! I certainly look forward to your next posts, and only rarely find something I can't truly appreciate. Many thanks indeed !


The truth is that 'Unsung Composers' has been quite quiet this week for whatever reason (apart, that is, for that chap who keeps on posting catalogues of British composers' music ;D ;D).

I do have to admit that the Stefan Niculescu and the Aurel Stroe were too difficult for me but I really enjoyed the Serban Nichifor and the 'Insights' you provided are of tremendous value in understanding the context of these compositions. I can understand that the Nichifor Requiem might well be received with some scorn by certain people but I find it a most moving work!! 

....And the Nichifor Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 are-as you said-tremendous fun ;D ;D

Please continue with what you are doing. Not all of the music may appeal to me but I shall never know unless I get the chance to hear it :)


Quote from: fr8nks on Friday 16 March 2012, 16:58
Hi Jacky,

Do you have anything by Paul Richter that hasn't already been uploaded? Please don't get discouraged because things have slowed down right now.

No Frank,I had once his organ concerto but somehow disappeared.
Quote from: Holger on Friday 16 March 2012, 17:21

you can be sure your uploads - and also your insights - are highly appreciated in general.
I am thinking about uploading Drăgoi's Divertisment rustic since members seemed to like his Piano Concerto, but I have to admit that I do not really consider the Divertisment to be a good piece
As for your statement about you being "the bad guy with modern music": don't be vexed about that.
Also, as talking about wishes, a composer I would definitely like to explore more is Gheorghe Dumitrescu. I wonder whether there are any recordings of his symphonies apart from No. 3 (which I have).

One of Dragoi divertisment sections "colind" is splendid.I have this section conducted by Enescu,but it is on an OOP CD so I can't upload it on UC.
I am not vexed.My affirmation was  in fact a kind of variation on the nickname of "bad boy" received by George Antheil. 8) 8)
Gheorghe Dumitrescu,Ion Dumitrescu's brother is totally forgotten and unsung.Well,actually he wrote some oratorios that reflected Communist Party's ideology, thus he is obscured.His third symphony would be welcomed.
Quote from: cjvinthechair on Friday 16 March 2012, 19:37
Jacky - the most delightful music you're introducing us to here ! I certainly look forward to your next posts, and only rarely find something I can't truly appreciate. Many thanks indeed !

Thank you!I also like to check all and keep what it seems interesting!

Quote from: Dundonnell on Friday 16 March 2012, 21:14
I do have to admit that the Stefan Niculescu and the Aurel Stroe were too difficult for me but I really enjoyed the Serban Nichifor and the 'Insights' you provided are of tremendous value in understanding the context of these compositions. I can understand that the Nichifor Requiem might well be received with some scorn by certain people but I find it a most moving work!!
....And the Nichifor Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 are-as you said-tremendous fun ;D ;D

Stroe and Niculescu are definitely not the cup of tea for those who aren't used to listen modern/contemporary music. BUT,this music is a lot more,IMO,than an experiment with "ugly music".There is an aesthetic beyond all the "noise"
I really dislike Nichifor the man-his is kitschy,pathetic,rude...but his music,despite some saccharine sometimes,works and is likeable.


Quote from: Jacky on Tuesday 20 March 2012, 20:49
I am not vexed.My affirmation was  in fact a kind of variation on the nickname of "bad boy" received by George Antheil. 8) 8)

OK, I see! ;)
I will upload Drăgoi's Divertisment rustic and also Gheorghe Dumitrescu's Third Symphony soon. It's a pity composers like him are now forgotten and their works aren't performed any more due to political backgrounds. It's very similar here in Germany, where most of the music of the former Germany Democratic Republic has simply disappeared from the stage. Nobody is interested in playing music by somebody like Ernst Hermann Meyer any more, though he was definitely a very fine composer whose works much deserve a listen.


Danke!The Divertisment rustic is spendid!For the very few here that don't understand Romanian  ;D :o the parts are:Colinda (Christmas Song), Doina (Romanian song of longing),Bocet (Wail song),Dance,Cantec de nunta (Wedding song).It's a "classic" Romanian work,and,as I said,Enescu conducted two parts of it.I don't know if it is on CD or not,but I would like to share with you.I'll check further to see if it doesn't infringe UC policy.


OK,I checked.
After approval you will find recordings-not in the best quality :-[-of George Enescu conducting the NYPO in Romanian unsung music.This is not my "usual" share,I'll upload soon what I have prepared.


 I fell speaking alone about Romanian Music >:( :o but the number of downloads show a certain interess in the thread.
Ok,friends,this weekend batch of Romanian music is not the easiest to digest.String quartets.I tried a survey of Quartets in the last century from Constantin Dimitrescu to Doina Rotaru.An earnest, pungent, abstract music, lacking elements from the Romanian folklore.A thoughtful mood,so to speak.Hope you'll enjoy.
String quartets by Dimitrescu (first),Perlea,Rogalski,Bentoiu (second and fifth),Nichifor (second),Doina Rotaru (Vivarte).For the hard aficionados also insights.

Greg K


I especially appreciate the Serban Nichifor Requiem Mass among your uploads, - a beautiful and affecting piece in my judgement, with a great soprano, and also the Toduta Chrysostom Liturgy.  Any more Romanian choral based works you might find worthy of making available would be of very much interest.


The time has come to fulfill your wish.This Sunday will be Easter Sunday here in Romania, therefore I post a large batch of choral music written by various composers having as source of inspiration the byzantine church music but also western religious music in some cases.Full list,sources and link on the download page,as soon as the moderator will approve.


Jacky - so sorry; tried 4 times now to download your lovely choral music, but each time, on attempting to extract the files, am told that it can't proceed.
Would assume, as usual, that it's my fault, but not experiencing it with any other rar files, so thought I'd ask if anyone else has had problems.
Many thanks.


Strange:with rar the archive was extracted in 2 different folders,one of them empty the other containing the music -and recieving error messages.But with 7z I didn't have any problem.If someone else has or had the same problems,let me please know