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Franco Alfano on Naxos

Started by alberto, Monday 10 October 2011, 09:21

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I suppose some of you have listened Naxos 8.572753: Violin Sonata (for me very rewarding, even if not completely un-taxing to listen to); Piano Quintet (playful and tuneful); plus a short (and arranged) Nenia and Scherzino.
I have found the above remarkable. More than the (anyway fine) Cello Sonata and Concerto for Piano Trio on an earlier Naxos.
More then the Symphonies (CPO) or the opera Cyrano de Bergerac (which, while "working" on DVD, risks boredom on CD. By the way seems to me rather better than Cyrano the much earlier opera Resurrezione).


I am the violinist on both CDs with chamber music by Franco Alfano. I read your post that you find the newest CD remarkable, and am writing to thank you very much for your kind words and much esteemed appreciation!!! It has been a great honor and a pleasure to record Alfano's works, and to perform them (we gave the American premieres of all these works, and recorded them as world premiere recordings; the Violin Sonata recording is of the original 1923 version, and it also is a world premiere recording;  two previous recordings exist, both not of the original version - they feature a later, shorter one).  Anyway, I am very happy that you have been favorably impressed by the recordings, and appreciate your opinion very much! 


Elmira Darvarova
Concert Violinist (
Former Concertmaster, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra;
Leader, New York Piano Quartet;
President & Artistic Director, New York Chamber Music Festival

Alan Howe

How kind of you to post such a message on our board. We welcome the pioneering spirit which you demonstrate in recording this repertoire.
With best wishes,
Alan Howe