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Polish Music

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 22 July 2011, 18:51

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Yes, indeed, thanx  Marek for the Sonata.   Wonder what the difference is between a sonata for piano and string quartet and a piano quintet?   An enjoyable piece albeit short....



Also a big thank you to Semi-Serio for the Brzowski work for piano and strings.  Shades of his buddy Freddy C.   I love this short piece.



Yes, another big thank you for the Krogulski works, Marek

I would love to hear JÓZEF  DESZCZYŃSKI  (1781-1844)
Piano Quartet in a-minor   (1827)

Do you have ( or want) any rare Kurpinski?


Markniew,I can't access any of your generous Zelenski  offerings. Can you, or anyone, advise me of what I do not know, or can you do anything to change them to an accessible form? I esteem this composer, and have become fond of him. I wonder what I'm missing! Thank You.


I couldn't get them to download with AOLbut they came down just fine with Firefox,if that's any help.



No idea what is the reason. You mean the recent uploads, don't you? I have jus tried and no problems were reported.

as regards my previous uploads (befote 10th of March) they have disappeared so I have to re-uplod them if there is an interest


Hello mikehopf,

what rare Kurpinski you mean? Of course i am inetersted in lesser-well known Polish music.
Soon I will upload Deszczyński's pf quartet.


Markniew, What I mean is this: Most download links are underlined/ highlighted. When I move the cursor over them, they change color, I click on them, and the rest is easy. The links to downloads you've given us are in bright blue, and do not operate like the links I just described. This is a case of me simply not having the technical knowledge to do this with. I just do not know how to complete a download with these links. Would someone please tell me what I should do?As I said, I haven't accessed any of your Zelenski offerings, and I'm so eager to! I know there will be others, too, in the future.Will you offer a tutorial on how to transact this distinct type of link? Thank You again.

Mark Thomas

No, they're not clickable links. The poster has to make them so, otherwise they're just ordinary text. To use such a link, just highlight it with your mouse and press Ctrl+C if you have a PC. That copies the link into your clipboard. Then put the cursor in your browser's address bar window, press Ctrl+V and you've pasted the link into the address bar. Press Enter and the browser should start the download.

Marek: here's a tutorial on making links clickable (but it's up to you).

Alan Howe

All that had happened was that Marek hadn't 'hyperlinked' the url. I have now modified them so that a simple click will take you to the downloads. In future, if the link doesn't work, just copy and paste it into to your web address bar window and press enter.


yes, in fact I used to give only adresses that are not clickable. In normal text editors the link automatically changes into hyperlink after pressing space key. That, I think so, does not work in messages in UC. OK I will be changing links into hyperlinks before pasting them in the messages


Sirs, Thank you for being so kind and helpful!The world of Unsung Composers is an sanctuary musically and personally. You are truly gentlemen.


A piece by the contemporary of Żeleński is available in the Downloads/Polish Music

Polish Suite for Orchestra op. 37

Recording of the Polish Radio but here taken off BBC 3!

Short info about hima can be found in wikipedia:

Relativeley popular among violinists are his Romanca op. 16 and Mazurka op.26 (both for violin and piano).

His romantic and lovely piano concerto in radio archive recording with Józef Śmidowicz was issued in 90s by the Polish label Selene.


In the Downloads/Polish Music you can find Early Romantic Piano Quartet in a-minor by JÓZEF  DESZCZYŃSKI  (1781-1844).
It was presented (for the first time in modern times) during the 6th Festival  of  the Polish Chamber Music,  13.12.2008  (along with Krogulski - uploaded few weeks ago and with 3 works by Lipiński).

One year earlier also Deszczyński's Piano concerto was played - interesting work.


I'm having a problem getting mediafire to download this.  Darn.  Anyone else?  Tried Firefox, IE and AOL without success.
