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Mahler's 8th - hear me out first...

Started by Crescendo, Thursday 28 July 2011, 00:54

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I know Mahler does not need a spotlight in this forum... but my question is about an unsung aspect.

There are many recordings of the 8th... but... is there a recording that features the full force of the approximately 1000 musicians and singers as in the premiere?
most times when you read about recordings or concerts there are maybe 500 or thereabout but rarely much more, or it is not even listed and then you know it probably is vastly scaled down. It seems to me strange that since Mahler gets so much attention these days that it would not be possible to perform and record the 8th with the original number of participants. Does anyone know something about this that I don't?


There have been some very large performances. I know that the performance of Andris Nelsons in Birmingham had 650 performers.

Dudamel has scheduled a performance next February that will have forces in excess of 1,000.


I can imagine the visceral impact that 900 voices can make, especially at the end of the symphony. I can't imagine how you fit 1000 musicians in a hall. How many venues of any quality out there could actually handle it? I've been to many concerts at the Disney Hall in LA and there's just not room, unless they take away all the seats that are behind the orchestra. The place has a great organ. Can the Musikverein even accomodate so many performers? As a footnote: Dudamel is doing the entire Mahler cycle dividing the job between LA and the Venezuelan orchestra. Too bad he's conducting. His 5th was dreadful. I went to a live performance of the 1st and it was awful, too. Disjointed, loud, at time perverse. I went to LA concerts when Simon Rattle was there (and even younger than Dudamel) and let me just say, the Dude is no Rattle -- or Mehta for that matter.

Alan Howe

Well, the Royal Albert Hall managed to accommodate 800 singers and 200 musicians for Brian's Gothic, so it could certainly meet Mahler's demands...


And don't forget, the need for a monster pipe organ to give you the shivers at the closing.  I been to performances that qualify in that respect and one that didn't and the latter was a huge disappointment.  But then, I love organ....



No disrespect to our friends in LA, but I always thought Dudamel was the perfect choice for Los Angeles -- Hollywood flamboyance without substance, superficial and ephemeral, the Latin glam-rocker of classical music.

Last night I made the mistake of watching an Arte TV video capture of Dudamel conducting the joint forces of OPRF and his SBYO in Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique. Huge forces. What a mess.

Alan Howe

I suspect that Dudamel's forthcoming DG box will divide opinions as well (Bruckner 9, Sibelius 2, Nielsen 4 & 5, done in Gothenburg).