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Georgy Catoire 1861-1926

Started by giles.enders, Monday 15 August 2011, 10:14

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At last the Catoire piano concerto in A major, composed in 1909 has been recorded, together with two English piano concertos. 



Gareth Vaughan

Information, please, Giles - don't be a tease!


No way!  Who where when how?!


It has been recorded by Hiro Takenouchi.  A Japanese pianist based in London.  See his web site for more details.

Alan Howe

...where it says:

<<In 2011 he (Takenouchi) will record two further CDs, firstly Delius's orchestral works arranged for two pianos by various contemporaries (Somm Records), and piano concertos by Sherwood, Catoire and Collingwood with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (Dutton Epoch).>>

All I can say is corrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Gareth Vaughan

The Dutton disk is especially mouthwatering, but what is the connection (one wonders) between Sherwood, Catoire and Collingwood. Sherwood and Collingwood... yes: two English composers, albeit of slightly different periods. But where does Catoire come in? Of course, they may not all be on the same Dutton CD. How nice it would be to have the Catoire PC + Symphony on one, and the TWO Sherwood PCs + the Collingwood on the other! One can dream!


Can anyone actually find a link to this CD, or is it just at the announcement stage?  I haven't found anything beyond the announcement.    Impatient....!!

Alan Howe

I have only found this one reference to the recording.


If you count two American composers of the same surname who I imagine might be related (to Percy- they are, to each other), Sherwood's a bit ambiguous, but I don't know if the others wrote piano concertos- could be.  Anyhow, an intriguing release in the offing, agreed.


Update!  I wrote to Hiroaki Takenouchi and he replied within about 3 minutes to say the following:

"Thank you for your email.  In fact the recording only took place this month so it won't be out for a while I don't think – I'm talking about months potentially.  I will however put it on my website as soon as it comes out!

Best wishes,


PS. Do you know of any other "good" and un-recorded Russian concertos? "

Now, with regard to his PS, the first thing that came to mind, and which I told him, was the Russian Rhapsody for piano and orchestra by Bortkiewicz.  I know there are a number of other posters to this site who would agree!  But what other unrecorded RUSSIAN and GOOD (so subjective!) would you recommend?  By Russian I am guessing he means "former Russian empire" so also Armenian, Georgian, Ukrainian etc...


Oh, please do tell him to record the L.Afanasyev and V.Agafonnikov Piano Concertos !
Kosenko pc would be a treat to listen !



Quote from: fyrexia on Tuesday 16 August 2011, 14:42
Oh, please do tell him to record the L.Afanasyev and V.Agafonnikov Piano Concertos !
Kosenko pc would be a treat to listen !


Can you give some more info about these?  Dates, etc?  What other works have already been recorded by them?

Gareth Vaughan

Would he consider Polish PCs? If so, Zelenski, Zarzycki, Rozycki (2), Maliszewski (especially) - all, I think, available from PWM. There are concertos by Nikolai Strelnikov, and Sergei Vasilenko which I believe are supposed to be attractive. I think Igor Markevich wrote one. Then, of course, there is Felix Borowski (NOT Russian, I know, even though he sounds it - but a lovely concerto) - and one ought not to forget the 2 by Eduard Schutt, who was of Russian extraction.