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Ben-Haim from cpo

Started by M. Henriksen, Monday 25 July 2011, 16:52

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M. Henriksen

cpo have announced new releases for August, among them Symphony no.1 ++ by Israeli composer Paul Ben-Haim. I've read  that his music is composed in the late-romantic vein. Can other members tell me (or us) what to expect!?

Short biography:

The upcoming record:


Alan Howe

Yes, I had been wondering about this release also. Anybody know Ben-Haim's music?


I have...somewhere a CD (still CBS, not yet Sony) with Zubin Mehta and the joint BPO and Israel Phil. , containing a movement titled "Psalm" from Paul Ben-Haim (born Frankerburger) Symphony n.1 (it was coupled with Beethoven and Ravel in a "celebration" concert). I remember worthy music , like a slightly updated Bloch.
By the way he was a pupil of Friedrich Klose (another CPO discover). There is (or was) surely some other recordings; one certainly by Bernstein and NY.


Israeli piano concertos are some really outstanding works. Ben haim pc, has that stunning romanticisicsm with use of modern technique. And the second movement, a very lyrical "middle east" (dont know the proper word to express it) theme.
Like his contemporaries, mark lavry and ron weidberg, both wrote fascinating concertos.

I have yet to hear his second symphony though...



a violin concerto of his has been available in a couple of recordings for awhile... Perlman's, Heifetz's I think, and a newer one too I believe. Also, the biography at the Milken Archive may be of some interest. as to Klose, a string quartet of his - which was recorded awhile back, but i haven't heard it - has been scanned and looks interesting...


Ben-Haim had a beautiful folk short solo violin sonata, I've a rare recording by no less than Francescatti (!).


Well, he's attracted some "big names" (ones whose musicianship I respect in many cases; I have at least a few Francescatti recordings that are quite good for instance, and Menuhin, whose recordings of Bartók I enjoy much (and commissioned -his- solo sonata, I believe), also recorded Ben-Haim's solo sonata...) - and perhaps for good reasons. Looking forward to hearing his music!

M. Henriksen

"This is music in the tradition of Mahler – subjective, highly personal, and yet brimming with genuine musical spirit. A highly significant discovery!"

- cpo advertising for the forthcoming Ben-Haim disc. I'm looking forward to hear some excerpts!



I downloaded Symphony No 2 which seems melodic, eloquent and memorable.