Ferdinand Hiller Piano Quartet op.133

Started by Mark Thomas, Sunday 18 September 2011, 16:12

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Mark Thomas

It's already been reported elsewhere I know, but for the record, WDR's Musikhaus programme (13:04 German time Sunday 25 September) will be broadcasting a performance of Hiller's Piano Quartet op.133 with Oliver Triendl, piano and members of the Minguet Quintet.


Great news. Slowly but surely a well-rounded portrait of Hiller the composer (as opposed to Hiller "the personality") will emerge


An early sort-of biography of Hiller kept referring to his piano quartet no.1 opus 1 as a piano quintet, though I'm sort-of sure he only wrote one of those, though three- (from IMSLP; five from other accounts, likewise five string quartets from some accounts instead of the three IMSLP lists... don't know at the moment, and I do wonder.) piano quartets (and IMSLP doesn't yet have a score or parts of either op.133 or 156, alas. Well, bit by bit, -I- hope. Good to hear it though!)

Mark Thomas

New Grove records this as being the Third Piano Quartet of three and credits its composition as being around 1868.


I saw a Wikilist of his compositions and this was listed as being in A Major.  As I mentioned elsewhere, it is most definitely in A minor (in fact 3 of the movements begin in minor keys, and the finale has a very ambiguous beginning before settling in A Major).