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Get rid of that scroll bar...

Started by TerraEpon, Sunday 22 November 2009, 20:53

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I noticed yesterday that the forum now has a scorll bar next to posts over a certain length. They don't seem to help anything, and just seem to be an eyesore.

Mark Thomas

I have changed nothing and therefore it's a design "feature". Can you give me an example of a post with the scroll bar and I'll investigate?



Both of the first two posts in this thread, for instance.


Huh, looks like it was a problem with my browser. I had it zoomed out, Strange, because I thought that affected all sites...

Mark Thomas


Tip: If you include a css/style instruction "overflow:visible" for divs/textboxes, compliant browsers will not add scrollbars.

Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas

The update just completed should have resolved this issue.


Mark Thomas