Sir Hubert Parry Choral Works conducted by Neeme Jarvi

Started by Dundonnell, Tuesday 08 May 2012, 14:18

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My apologies if this has been noted before (I did try a Search ;D).

According to the new issue of 'The Gramophone' the recording planned by Chandos of a number of choral works by Parry, including the 1897 Magnificat, the 1911 Coronation Te Deum and "The Glories of Our Blood and State"-

will feature the BBC National Orchestra of Wales conducted by Neeme Jarvi.

I know just how extensive Jarvi's repertoire has been over the years...but Parry ??? ???  Has Jarvi done much British music..ever ???

Not saying that he will not do a good job but it does seem an odd choice of conductor.


Chandos has not been able to replace Handley and Hickox. It was a crippling blow. They have to use whomever thay can find willing to take it up. No doubt we have missed many great releases that those two would have conducted. 


That is, of course, perfectly true. There are, however, a number of young, up-and-coming British conductors who would benefit from the experience of recording the Parry whilst, at the same time, making an excellent job of it.

I repeat....I have no reason to think that Jarvi won't give an equally fine rendering. I just can't quite figure out the Chandos rationale.


Just off the top of my head, I know Handley hoped to do more Bax (e.g. Viola Phantasy) and Benjamin Dale.  Hickox was going to traverse more Goossens, Holst and Britten.  All forever lost I'm afraid. Chandos appears to be flailing around to some extent.  The young guys today are "career builders" and I don't see a Hickox out there other than possibly Brabbins. Chandos should sign him up exclusively!


If Chandos signed Brabbins exclusively it would deprive Dutton of his services and that would scupper the chances of more Havergal Brian. (Dutton are recording the Brian Symphony No.13, Violin Concerto and English Suite No.4 with Brabbins shortly :) :)).

Amongst British conductors certainly capable of conducting Briitish music there are people like Martin Yates(I think exclusively recording for Dutton at present) and George Vass, David Lloyd-Jones(much older, of course), and, since his fine recording of the Chisholm Piano Concertos, Rory Macdonald.


Quote from: Dundonnell on Tuesday 08 May 2012, 14:18
My apologies if this has been noted before (I did try a Search ;D).

According to the new issue of 'The Gramophone' the recording planned by Chandos of a number of choral works by Parry, including the 1897 Magnificat, the 1911 Coronation Te Deum and "The Glories of Our Blood and State"-

will feature the BBC National Orchestra of Wales conducted by Neeme Jarvi.

I know just how extensive Jarvi's repertoire has been over the years...but Parry ??? ???  Has Jarvi done much British music..ever ???

Not saying that he will not do a good job but it does seem an odd choice of conductor.

Hooray! Thanks, Colin - I hadn't picked this up at all.

I have no problems with Jarvi tackling large-scale Parry at all (any more than Mathias Bamert, who had no previous track-record in the composer) and am really looking forward to this!


M. Henriksen

Good news! And I can't see why Neeme Järvi shouldn't succeed recording Parry. Such a versatile conductor, and his recording history with Chandos is superb. But I can't remember him recording much British music, that's true..



It should prove interesting, if you're into that sort of stuff.  And don't forget Brabbins does a lot for Hyperion, if I'm not mistaken.


Yes, Brabbins does a lot of work for Hyperion too and a splendid job he makes of it  :)

Please don't get me wrong-I have a great deal of respect for Neeme Jarvi and his incredible mastery of such a wide repertoire. Would that some other conductors showed his imagination and enterprise ;D I know that he is absolutely obsessed with making cds (that was an integral and fundamental part of his contract when he signed up as Principal Conductor of the RSNO) and if he is now showing an interest in British music then hats off to him :)

And yes, Bamert did a splendid job with the Parry recordings he made for Chandos.........and then what ??? He seems to have disappeared from Chandos's stable. Hubert Parry, Frank Martin......and then nothing. What a shame :(

M. Henriksen

I recall that Bamert recorded Dopper, Sainton, Hadley, Hol and Dohnanyi for Chandos. And there are surely some more. But it's not comparable to Järvi's discography for the same label of course.


Gareth Vaughan

I'm sure Jarvi will do an excellent job. One conductor though for whom I have a high regard and I would like to see being given an opportunity to conduct more British music for big labels like Chandos is George Vass.


I think it's a good sign to see a big name like this recording Parry. For so many years British music has been largely recorded by specialist conductors (and I am forever grateful for their unfailing energy), but it's nice to see a recording like this becoming more "mainstream".

And I am very pleased to hear about the Dutton Brian recording!


Whilst there seems to be a distinctly 'jubilee' feel about the repertoire chosen for the disc, listeners will be reminded that

The glories of our blood and state are shadows
Not substantial things;
There is no armour against fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Sceptre and crown
Must tumble down

James Shirley's pragmatic sentiments caused the Bach Choir to reject Stanford's desire for a performance in 1887 (marking Victoria's Golden Jubilee) and they ended up with the premiere of Blest Pair of Sirens instead.



Well, Parry was far less 'establishment' than he looked, a downright radical for his day, despite his gentlemanly background. With Elgar, it was the other way: he was just as royalist and conservative as he looked, but his background was much humbler. "Blest Pair of Sirens" was a nice neutral compromise (politically), and we must be grateful to the Bach Choir for letting that perfect piece get written.