discography and recording dates for violin works

Started by violinconcerto, Friday 02 September 2011, 09:10

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In the past several people told me that it would be helpful if I could list the discographical details of the commercial recordings in my archive of 20th century works for violin and orchestra. I now updated my website with the requested information as well as I added recording dates (if possible).

So now you can find label and codes for more than 2.500 recordings of works for violin and orchestra from the 20th century at:


It was a huge work, therefore I am of course hoping that the data is useful to anyone out there.
Corrections, additions, comments are always welcome! Use the contact form on the website, if you don't post here.


Alan Howe

Thanks, Tobias, for your immensely valuable resource.



Thanks for the kind words!
I am happy that you find it useful!



Hello Tobias,

there is radio recording (on air in Feb. 2009) of the Violin cto no. 2 by Jerzy Fitelberg. Played by Tomasz Tomaszewski, Polish Radio National SO under Łukasz Borowicz
movements: 1. Sinfonia. Allegro, 2. Aria. Andante 3. Capriccio. Allegro vivace

I must dig through your inventory and check Polish pieces.


Quotethere is radio recording (on air in Feb. 2009) of the Violin cto no. 2 by Jerzy Fitelberg. Played by Tomasz Tomaszewski, Polish Radio National SO under Łukasz Borowicz

Hello Marek,

yes, thats the one I already have as well.
Please go on to check my website for Polish works! I am very interested in your comments and maybe I am just missing a recording. Go to the search page and type in "Poland", than you receive all the works by composers born in Poland. that is pretty much - nearly 300 entries -, so if find that kind of list not useful, drop me a line. Than I compile you a list from my offline catalogue (which is nearly the same to the online one, but in Excel and so has more choices to search for special things.)



Hello Tobias,

thanks for replying. I will check Polish items with pleasure - it needs however free time. My primary interest are piano concertos.
I noticed that in case of the ctos by Bacewicz you have not mentioned the recent recordings for Chandos - but I suppose that is due to the fact that the root of Bacewicz was compiled by you before release of the Chandos Cds.



Hello Marek,

yes, I know of course the Baewicz recordings with Kurkowicz, but I am waiting for a cheap copy to come my way.
Maybe it isn't really clear from the site, but the recordings mentioned below every piece are the recordings I *own*, not the one that exist! My first aim is get at least one recording from each piece to build something like a sound archive of the works. So everyone can quite easy check if there is a recording of a violin work or not: When there is no recording mentioned to a piece it is very likely that no recording of all exists. If there is a recording mentioned, I *right now* just list my recordings. In the future I will add additional recordings as well.



Hi Tobias,

ok, now all is clear. am about starting more detailed going through your inventory.
I regret that for quite long time I have not been updating my catalogue, anyhow first I will check what is included in it.



Hello Tobias,

Emil Młynarski - violin Cto no. 1 of 1897/8, it was played for the first time in recent time (ever?) on 20.02.2011 by Piotr Pławner, Polish Radio Orchestra (Polska Orkiestra Radiowa) and conducted by Kaspar Zehnder. I have got off radio registration,


Alan Howe


Alan Howe



Mlynarski can be taken from the Swedish Radio. it was in program on 11.08.2011
here is the link
I can hear that the quality is better than my registration taken off radio here in Poland in February.



hello tcutler,
i believe it can be registered using a sort of software. I have been told so and now trying to get it by myself.

it happened that I became guest in my previous posts - don't know why. I have registered again