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Röntgen VCs from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 26 February 2011, 00:14

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Let me begin by admitting that I am not a Rontgen fan :-[

I have all four of the CPO cds with Rontgen symphonies on them, the cd of 'Aus Goethes Faust' and the Etcetera cd of the three cello concertos but that is just an indication of symphonic 'completism' ;D

Rontgen's romanticism is not greatly to my taste and I must confess that CPO's dedication to recording Rontgen annoyed me when there are other composers(Dutch and from other countries) who I thought deserved preference.

BUT I shall happily concede that the violin works on this cd are utterly delightful and captivating :)

I still prefer more 'grit' in my music but these three pieces are among the very best romantic violin concertos I have heard outside of the great masters :)