Romantic un?recorded concertos (not the first topic on this one)

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 03 September 2011, 05:08

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Gareth Vaughan

And I would echo Alan's wishes. There are vast numbers of Romantic Violin Concertos out there but Mike Spring told me that violinists were nowhere near as adventurous as pianists and it was not easy to get soloists of a decent calibre interested in playing some of these works. I am as interested in VCs as in PCs, so I would strongly support any record company that is preparted to take the risk and record works by Becker, Gernsheim, Litolff (Eroica Concerto Symphonique), Philip Scharwenka, Bazzini, et al.

Turning back to the PCs mentioned in conjunction with Boise, it would be very interesting to see Conrath's concerto.  That by Caryl Florio has actually been recorded before, with some of his saxophone music - see: - and very attractive it is.


I would say that the recording of the (magnificent) Sinigaglia Violin Concerto once downloaded here was IMO a -say- unofficial recording of an old radio broadcast.
I think the Concerto has never been comercially recorded.
I would deem worth of a recording also the Concerto for Organ,strings, horns and timpani by Marco enrico Bossi.


Sinigaglia/Bazzini - possibly off-air from RAI: see Essercizi di Memoria. Sinigaglia concerto broadcast (if it's the one from that program) from November 7 1959, conducted by Ferruccio Scaglia, Alfonso Mosesti, vn. Orch. Sinf. di Roma della Rai. Bazzini concerto from June 6 1961, Aldo Ferraresi, violin, Orch."A. Scarlatti" di Napoli della Rai. Franco Gallini, conducting.


That Sinigaglia has been uploaded to YT.  There is also a live performance of the Sinigaglia VC there that is considerably longer.  Cuts made in the older performance, perhaps?


There's a score of the Sinigaglia at IMSLP, here, from which I am guessing it should be possible to decide if the difference between the two performances is from cuts or major differences in tempi...

(In re Sinigaglia, the first movement of his violin sonata is on YouTube, and in a (2008) performance other than the Toccata Classics performance, too, though not apparently uploaded by one of the two performers (!).)

Gareth Vaughan

I note the Bazzini concerto is No. 4 - the only one for which there is a modern edition. Nos. 1 & 2 are in Fleisher. The only locatin I can find for the parts of No. 5, the Concerto Militaire, is Milan. Schott published No. 3 - but have lost the score and parts and they don't seem to exist anywhere else (brilliant!!!).