Macfarren's Robin Hood at last

Started by edurban, Monday 05 September 2011, 22:43

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I had a recording of 'The Lily of Killarney' on a tape, made from a Library LP years and years ago. The tape is somewhere back in England (I live in Japan) and doubtless almost useless, but it shows there was definitely a complete or quasi-complete recording in existence, and a very lovely work it was too. Does anyone have a copy, please, please? There was even a film of it the 30s, wasn't there, though it was probably about as 'complete' as the films of 'The Bohemian Girl' and 'The Threepenny Opera', ie about two songs were probably used. But I'd quite like to see it. 'Eily Mavourneen' is one of my favourite Victorian arias ever.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Saturday 19 November 2011, 21:33
QuoteThere is certainly more orchestral and concertante music by Macfarren to explore (those works already recorded are given in bold type)

But where is it all?

Possibly at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge - after all, they do have the autographs scores of the operas ....
