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Started by Amphissa, Monday 05 September 2011, 22:49

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Quote from: Albion on Tuesday 25 October 2011, 10:49
I've not been following this thread as closely as others and have lost track - please could some kindly soul tell me if there are any recordings of John Knowles Paine, Horatio Parker or George Chadwick included: if not, is there the possibility that some might be forthcoming?


A little by Chadwick and Paine -- more by Korngold and Diamond and many other fine composers.


Quote from: Amphissa on Saturday 29 October 2011, 23:33
A little by Chadwick and Paine -- more by Korngold and Diamond and many other fine composers.

A little by Chadwick?! :D
'The Padrone' is not only quite extensive but moreover it is Chadwick of the first water. I wouldn't rank it equal to his best symphonic works but it is not far behind; a truly symphonic work itself.

Thank you so much for it, Amphissa! :D :D :D


Amphissa...many many thanks again for all your Mennin downloads :) :)

One further problem however: the link to the Dorati performance of Symphony No.5 takes you to the Previn Symphony No.3.


Sorry about that. Try it now.


Crikey, that Mennin 7th is a real tour de force!  I can only imagine what it would be like to hear and see live! The reviewer on Amazon calls it his darkest and the best work by an American!  :)


Thanks, Amphissa :) The Mennin 5th by Dorati has been sorted successfully.


I've uploaded a selection of rarities by one of my favorite unsung American composers -- Harl McDonald. A few other works of his have been reissued on CD from old recordings by Stokowski, Ormandy, Koussevitzky, and others.

It would be great to have some new recordings of his music (Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops did record San Juan Capistrano a few years ago, much to their credit), as well as first recordings of his previously unrecorded works, including three more symphonies. I've lobbied Albany Records on the matter, since I think it would complement their Don Gillis series very nicely.

I do have a few other odds and ends by McDonald that I'll upload in the near future, but if anyone else on the forum has anything more, it would be great to hear them!


The only thing I have is the Concerto for two pianos and orchestra which I suspect may have fairly wide distribution.....



I've just posted Arthur Foote's 1894 Cello Concerto in the downloads - it should appear shortly.



QuoteThe only thing I have is the Concerto for two pianos and orchestra which I suspect may have fairly wide distribution.....

Indeed, it's been reissued on CD by at least two different labels.

Lionel Harrsion

Quote from: Albion on Wednesday 02 November 2011, 18:06
I've just posted Arthur Foote's 1894 Cello Concerto in the downloads - it should appear shortly.

Albion, you're a star!   :) :) :)


About MacDonald's children's symphony, gives 1940 as the date of composition, though that could be approximate for all I know...
There are recordings (complete? incomplete? "teasers"? ... will check... probably streaming rather than downloadable without an audio-recording program though) of David Diamond's symphonies 2 and 9 at the same site (through arrangement with the composer's estate and publishers, apparently) ( is American Music Center - Online Library section, specifically. I should probably put the link in the downloads section though going to , to the library section and entering diamond, david will find it in a minute.
(Unfortunately, no movement headings that I see, but instrumentation, other interesting details in the library entries and perhaps take-off points with which the missing information one might want- if one still does - can be found if at all.)
(From one of my more usual sources :) Gardner Read symphony no.2 op.45 - Presto assai e molto feroce -- Adagio -- Largamente - Allegro risoluto e molto energico.

*symphony 3 op.75 (1948 but not pub. until 1970?) - has the movement titles Introduction and passacaglia -- Scherzo -- Chorale and fugue.)


QuoteAbout MacDonald's children's symphony, gives 1940 as the date of composition, though that could be approximate for all I know...

Quite possible, although 1940 is the date assigned in more than one source to McDonald's "From Childhood," for harp and orchestra. A similar work, but not the same as the "Children's Symphony." And then, to complicate things further, there's a "Children's Overture" from 1950!


Many thanks to shamokin88 for the uploads of the Giannini Symphonies Nos. 2 and 5 :)


Ah.....there is ONE problem though with the Giannini uploads-

the link to Symphony No.5 takes one to a file entitled Symphony No.2 and the link to Symphony No.2 to a file entitled Symphony No.5. I am not quite sure which symphony is which.......