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Started by Amphissa, Monday 05 September 2011, 22:49

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Well, I suppose you could send a message to Wikipedia asking them to remove Korngold from the American Composers list.


erm..who would one send it -to-? That's not how Wikipedia works, you know :) You sign on, give a reason, "be bold" and remove it yourself (depending on whether you mean list or category, which work differently and are different things, but still are do it yourself things. If someone undoes your choice, then instead of undoing their, well, "reversion", then argue it out with them instead of having an "edit war". Und so weiter...)


I've added William Grant Still's opera "Troubled Island" to the American Music Collection.


I've been able so far to find the instrumentation but not the movement names of the (1935?) Whithorne symphony no.2 opus 56...  (the David Diamond piano concerto is -
1. Andante ; Allegretto ; Allegro -- 2. Adagio, molto espressivo -- 3. Allegramente. )


Thanks to Shamokin and Amphissa, I like the Huffman and Still very much. The old archival recordings are so interesting to me. 


A thank you to A. S. for the Mason Symphony.  Have long looked for the 1st symphony having had copies of 2 and 3 on reel to reel (again) for many years.



and here I only recently learned that Mason wrote symphonies (there's a doctoral dissertation available online discussing all three of them, I believe, that looks like an interesting read!) Looking forward to listening to the first now it's there- and hearing the other two if you can upload them :) Thanks!


Re Julia Frances Smith (1905 or 1911?-89) - Fleischer Collection does have a good number of her scores listed including her concerto in score and reduction (the former in its 1971 version suggesting there was more than one) but giving instrumentation but not a list of movements.  Published by Mowbray (through Presser)- will try there...
According to Hinson the movements of the Smith concerto are
*Assai lento
*Andante e pesante
*Allegro ben ritmico

And a thesis on the Mason symphonies is at here.
Symphony 1 (1913 version) has these movement headings according to the subsections of chapter 4 of Kapec's University of Florida dissertation:
*Largo sostenuto (opening of movement, I suppose)
*Larghetto tranquillo
*Allegro molto marcato


Arbuckle, thank you for all the terrific works by American composers. I am especially glad to see the ones performed/recorded by University of Illinois Symphony, as that is my alma mater.

I notice, though, that 2 files are missing from your Mediafire folder. The piece by Max Brand is not in the folder. Also, the piece by Boris Kouzen is missing.


Thanks, Amphissa, have added the missing pieces.


Arbuckle and Shamokin - thank you for all these very obscure American pieces - much appreciated. Despite the vintage of the recordings, I'm having a great time working through them, and there's some real gems. That Cadman American Suite is excellent, and could easily be mistaken for a piece of English string music in the style of Warlock - although what I take to be the brief evocation of Native American Indians in the first movement is a bit of a give away!


What happened to Schuman's withdrawn (resigned?) 2nd? :( (to be clear, I mean to the file, not historically speaking!)


I'm not sure. But seeing only one download I expected there must be a problem even though everything looked all right. I downloaded it without difficulty. But then I deleted the old file and uploaded it once more - it now boasts a new URL - and the new URL downloaded for me without issues. What happened when others tried, do you know?

Best from Shamokin88


Quote from: shamokin88 on Tuesday 27 September 2011, 22:52
I'm not sure. But seeing only one download I expected there must be a problem even though everything looked all right. I downloaded it without difficulty. But then I deleted the old file and uploaded it once more - it now boasts a new URL - and the new URL downloaded for me without issues. What happened when others tried, do you know?

Best from Shamokin88

When I tried to download the Schuman file I was directed back to my own Mediafire Account. The Diamond and the Burlingame Hill downloaded perfectly.
