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Started by Amphissa, Monday 05 September 2011, 22:49

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Just a note-- I've also posted links to FLAC versions of the Ron LoPresti music.


Yes it is a Chicago SO performance Latvian, though I was never aware it was issed on CD as I've never noticed it being issued in the UK as I would have snapped it up. It is a tape of a live concert performance I have though (with one or two errors in the brass). Kubelik observes a few small cuts in the 1st movement. Allsop's CD records the 1st movement complete, her perfromance is let down by the error in the horns in the last couple of bars of the finale as they do not complete the upward phrase and thereby ruin the effect of the final bitonal chord.

The recordings of the 9th are of the premiere under Ormandy and the European Premiere played in a superb performance by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra under Kubelik (how I wish Kubelik had commercially recorded all of Harris's symphonies). Kubelik makes a couple of small cuts in the finale which helps taughten the movement, Ormandy and both CD versions play the work complete.


Any additions of music not otherwise commercially available by composers of the generations from 1893(Bernard Rogers) to 1918(George Rochberg), particularly composers like Piston, Hanson, Harris. Creston, Schuman and Diamond, would be welcomed with open arms/ears by me ;D ;D

We are still not clear whether or not Naxos has decided to abort its projected Alsop set of the Harris symphonies. This was promised but I understand that someone who had contacted the company was told that they had changed their collective minds. While I was very disappointed to hear this I do have to say that the Alsop performances released struck me as under-powered and under-motivated to a surprising and alarming extent :(


Quote from: suffolkcoastal on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 08:40
If anyone is interested I have the following Harris rarities that haven't been uploaded as yet:

I can add these to my list if anyone is interested.

I am certainly interested in ANY Harris pieces, suffolkcoastal! It just depends on your power of endurance!  ;)  ;D


Quote from: Latvian on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 13:03
QuoteIf anyone is interested I have the following Harris rarities that haven't been uploaded as yet:

Yes, please! I vote for the following:

Farewell to Pioneers
Railroad Man's Ballad
Piano Concerto No 1 'Jamboree'
Free Fantasy: Rock of Ages
Ode to Truth
Melody for Orchestra
Radio Piece
Piano Concerto No 2
Ad Majorem Gloriam... for Band
Symphonic Epigram
Canticle to the Sun

plus alternate off-air versions of
Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun (Warfield)
Chorale for Strings (Ormandy)
Symphony No 9 (Ormandy and Kubelik)

If the Kubelik performance of Symphony No. 5 is with the Chicago SO, that may not be uploadable as it was issued by the CSO on CD about 15 years ago. I look forward to anything else on the list, though! Sorry, I don't have any of the works you're looking for, though.

Latvian-- I can help with some of your wish, and have posted a link to the downloads section that has some of these works.
I've included a longer  technical note at the end of the post in the downloads section  about the tracks, but in short.

The origin of these tracks are from the collection of Karl Miller,
The versions I have I had tweaked and compressed for my MP3 player.
Karl gave me permission to share them in this form, providing make it clear that what I'm posting are not the definitive versions.
I'll replace these with the "real thing" if I get them.  Still, there is some great music here.

Assorted Orchestral works by Roy Harris

1.  Farewell to the Pioneers (A Symphonic Elegy)(1935)
California State College-Community Sym. Orch.
Alan Krueck, cond. [12 May 1971]

2 Salute to Youth (1964)
All-California High School Symphony Orchestra
Stanley Chapple, cond. [28 February 1965]

3.  Ode to Consonance (1956)
Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul Paray
[26 December 1958]

4-5:  #2 and #3 of Three Symphonic Essays (1937)

Juilliard Orchestra; Jean Morel [7December 1951]

6.  Celebration Variations on a Timpani Theme from
Hanson's Third Symphony (1946)

Orchestra of America; Richard Korn
[8 November 1961]

7 Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1954)
Johan Harris, piano; MGM Symphony Orch.
Izler Solomon MGM E 3210

8 These Times for Piano and Small Orch. (1963)
Johana Harris, piano; Musical Arts Orch.
Composer [8 August 1963]

9 Radio Piece (1946)

Eastman School Little Symphony Orch.
Howard Hanson [18 May 1946]

10.  American Creed 91940)
New York Philharmonic; Leonard Bernstein
[5 February 1959]


I forgot to mention that I had the Three Symphonic Essays as well. My recording of Radio Piece is more recent and is from a specially recorded performance on BBC R3 in the 1970's.

That recording of the Fantasy for Piano & Orchestra is now available commercially on CD so can't be uploaded.


Quote from: suffolkcoastal on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 23:04
I forgot to mention that I had the Three Symphonic Essays as well. My recording of Radio Piece is more recent and is from a specially recorded performance on BBC R3 in the 1970's. The recording of the Three Symphonic Essays is the same though I seem to have all three. My recordings of Farewell to Pioneers and the Ode to Consonance are the same.

The MGM recording of the Fantasy for Piano & Orchestra is now available commercially on CD so may need to be removed. I still have the treasured original LP.



A Harris Fest of uploads :) :)

Absolutely amazing ;D  Thank you so very very much :) :)


Quote from: suffolkcoastal on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 23:22
Quote from: suffolkcoastal on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 23:04
I forgot to mention that I had the Three Symphonic Essays as well. My recording of Radio Piece is more recent and is from a specially recorded performance on BBC R3 in the 1970's. The recording of the Three Symphonic Essays is the same though I seem to have all three. My recordings of Farewell to Pioneers and the Ode to Consonance are the same.

The MGM recording of the Fantasy for Piano & Orchestra is now available commercially on CD so may need to be removed. I still have the treasured original LP.

I'll have a new version of the link up shortly-- minus the fantasy.  Thanks!



You uploaded a zip file of Vittorio Rieti's Symphony No.4 "Sinfonia Tripartita" on Sunday 8th April. Unfortunately, there is no music in the file :( There are short introductions and a talk about General Motors but that's it :(


Quote from: Latvian on Tuesday 17 April 2012, 13:03
QuoteIf anyone is interested I have the following Harris rarities that haven't been uploaded as yet:

Ad Majorem Gloriam... for Band

Latvian-- I found this Roy Harris work as well--  was lurking on a backup drive-  once again, these were "tweaked" versions of a Karl Miller sources - I'll replace if I get an original.  An interesting work for band, about 15 min.

Roy Harris:
Ad majorem Gloriam (Symphonic Tone Poem) - Premiere
University of Illinois Concert Band
Composer [8 March 1958] --I found a  program from the event!


It is the same recording as I have jowcol. I'll have a listen and see if my one is any clearer than the one you've uploaded.


Quote from: suffolkcoastal on Wednesday 18 April 2012, 17:32
It is the same recording as I have jowcol. I'll have a listen and see if my one is any clearer than the one you've uploaded.

Please do for any of these-- I wish I had the originals archived. 

And thanks for your diligence in looking for commercial releases-- it's appreciated!


Posted in the downloads folder--
Works and Rarities  by Howard Hanson:
Please note-- these tracks have been "tweaked" and compressed from the original Karl Miller source.  I'll update them if/when possible.  What worked better for my mp3 player may not be better for you.  Consider these a temporary placeholder.   I may have introduced some saturation effects when I tweaked them.   

1.  Piano Concerto
Alfred Mouledous, piano  Same performer as commercial release, but this is live, and later, I would assume.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Composer, conductor
[27 February 1967]
2.  Streams in the Desert for Chorus and Orch. (1969)
Crane College Chorus and Orch.
McElheran Brock, conductor

3.Concerto for Organ (Full Orchestra Version) fascinating version of a great work- but sound is not the best.
Francis Bettina Jones, organ
Rochester Civic Orchestra
Composer, conductor
[14 April 1937]

4. Music from the Forest Play "The Soul of the Sequoia"
Rochester Civic Orchestra
Composer, conductor [28 April 1938]

5. Concerto for Organ (full Orchestra Version) Once again, the sound is not the best.
Harriette Slack, organ
Eastman Symphony Orchestra? Robert Weiskopf, cond.
[19 March 1940]

6. Mystic Trumpeter for Narrator, Chorus and Orch.
Dallas Civic Orchestra and Chorus
Composer, conductor

New Land, New Covenant Oratorio (1976) more than an  hour...
Pasadena Presbyterian Church
Composer, conductor
[7 November 1976]




Will do, I've got quite a list to upload by the looks of things!

Thanks for the Hanson, most interesting. This just really leaves Songs from Drum Taps. As I mentioned before I just wish I'd purchased the LP when I had the chance.