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George Antheil's Symphonies

Started by Dundonnell, Wednesday 14 September 2011, 16:53

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Quote from: Dundonnell on Thursday 14 June 2012, 17:39
Since I started this thread and since it has drifted considerably from the original point of the Antheil symphonies ;D I feel fully entitled to add this further aside-

There are two British brothers: Lord Powell of Bayswater(as Charles Powell, former Private Secretary to Margaret Thatcher) and Jonathan Powell(former Chief of Staff to Tony Blair).
The former pronounces his name to rhyme with "pole" and the latter pronounces his name to rhyme with "towel" ;D  What hope do any of us have of being sure of our pronounciations ::) ??? ;D
Je ne sais pas - except that the generally accepted pronunciation of "Powell" does indeed rhyme with "towel" and I would add that Mr Jonathan Powell ought perhaps to consider changing his surname so as not to risk the possibility of being confused with the real Jonathan Powell, i.e. the pianist! Charles Powell's pronunciation of his surname is perhaps suspect in any case  - and not solely on the grounds of percieved snobbery - although it sits oddly, does it not, with the American Colin Powell, who perverts the pronunciation of his forename rather than his surname!, given that the derivation of the name is Welsh - i.e. ap(-) Hywel (i.e. "Howell"); I know this from reecent experience because, where I'm currently living (in west Herefordshire), there are Powells everywhere and it's generally regarded here as a "Marches" name whose origin is in that area of south-east Wales / Herefordshire / south Shropshire where it might almost seem compulsory to be called "Powell"...

What any or all of this has to do with Antheil's symphonies I have to confess to having less than no idea, by the way...


Well, if a thread were somehow ever to go off on a tangent, I'm sure someone would give us a sine...  ;D


I confess to finding math jokes orthogonal to our concerns, but I would it's true reply- if a tad hyperbolically
(or just elliptically, as now. Easy joke.)
as usual- with the cosine.

Is there any sort of vaguely agreed-upon Antheil thematic or even work catalog as there increasingly is for Villa-Lobos, Krommer, and a number of others relatively sung and unsung?