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Unsung Anniversaries in 2011

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 17 December 2010, 10:59

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Today I was fumbling my way through a fantasy by Arthur B Whiting and then I discover he was born in 1861.

Happy aniversary Arthur.



To mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Percy Grainger, Chandos are repackaging all 19 discs of their Grainger edition in a box due out at the end of the month -

John H White

Vinzenz Lachner 1811-1893 does not seem to have been so prolific or successful a composer as his two elder brothers, but he appears to have produced some large scale choral works and plenty of lieder in addition to the two string quartets which are only works of his I have managed to get hold of on CD under the Amati Label of Rudolf Bayer, who also include all the surviving quartets of his elder brothers in their catalogue. I gather most of his time was taken up with conducting opera at Mannheim where he was in charge of the orchestra for 37 years.
Like the other Lachners he was musically conservative and being eventually being forced to conduct Wagner triggered his application for early retirement.

Alan Howe

John H White

Thanks Alan. It seems the TLM have stretched across the border into neighbouring Bavaria.