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Triendl, Draeseke

Started by eschiss1, Sunday 25 September 2011, 15:24

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I saw a notice back maybe ca.2004 (not my guess based on memory, but based on online Draeseke society news) of a broadcast of the Draeseke piano concerto with Oliver Triendl as pianist, on BR4 radio; I see from Draeseke society news that this may have been from a concert with Reinhard Petersen and the Coburg State Philharmonic. This seems to have been part of a complete piano works project with Triendl that according to later society news (an online 2007 article) lost its buyer.  I've heard some of his recordings, I believe, I certainly know of them and have some reason to believe he'd do well by the project - anyone have any notion if there's been news the last four years here? :)

(... looks at the May '11 IDS News - I'd forgotten the IDS North America had a new President- that is to say, that it still existed. Glad of it obviously. One of these days I have to get a "real job" and join :( )

Alan Howe

There's no news, I'm afraid, about Triendl's Draeseke project. Seems to be dead and buried.


And that is really a great, great pity. The CD with Draeseke's works for cello and piano also features five selected piano pieces. These little miniatures are nothing less than gems and are evidence that Draeseke was also a very fine composer of that genre. His gorgeous piano sonata has been mentioned in other threads.

Off topic, but when I read the name of Triendl, I must always think of one of the unsung masterpieces of the Piano Concerto literature. Unbelievable but true, Gernsheim's fabulous PC op. 16 with its utterly catchy Rondo still hasn't been released commercially. Triendl is just the pianist for that job.