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Gosta Nystroem

Started by vandermolen, Friday 30 September 2011, 21:55

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Does anyone else admire Nystroem's wonderfully lyrical and atmospheric 'Sinfonia del Mare' - Symphony No 3 (1946-48)?

Alan Howe

Yes, I bought the recording conducted by Svetlanov on Phono Suecia and was greatly take by its lyricism. A really attractive example of unsung 20th-century symphonism.


I like his Songs of the Sea, myself; not sure I've heard the 3rd symphony yet.


Nystroem's first three symphonies-Sinfonia Breve, Sinfonia Espressiva and Sinfonia del Mare are all delightful and impressive works. The last four-Sinfonia Shakespeariana, Sinfonia Seria and Sinfonia Tramonte-I found a good deal drier and less interesting but I really should go back and give them another go.

I remember liking the Symphonic Poem "Ishavet" and thinking that the concertos were attractive pieces. The one for cello is the Sinfonia Concertante and the  Viola Concerto is subtitled "Hommage a la France", reflecting Nystroem's years in that country and the considerable influence of French music on his refined sensibilities.

Robert Layton-notoriously-must have repeated his low opinion of Sinfonia del Mar scores of times over the years ;D


My favourite work by Nystroem is his 2nd symphony "Espressiva", which I consider one of the best symphonies written in the 1930s. Especially the final movement with its fugal development in the first and chaotic eruptions in its second half has impressed me very much.

Nystroem was truely a fine symphonist. Like Dundonnell I think, that the last three symphonies are not realy on the same level than the first ones. They are however well worked, listenable pieces. The culmination point of Nystroem's production seems to me the Sinfonia Espressiva.


Many thanks for the interesting replies. From what I know of his music I agree with Dundonnell's views. I will certainly be looking out for Symphony No 2. Yes, the Svetlanov recording of Symphony No 3 is great.