Felix von Weingartner(1863-1942): a Catalogue of the Orchestral Music

Started by Dundonnell, Sunday 24 June 2012, 22:11

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1882:      Serenade in F major for String Orchestra, op.6: 12 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
1895:      Symphonic Poem "King Lear", op.20: 22 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
1897:      Symphonic Poem "Das Gefilde der Seligen, op.21: 22 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
1898:      Symphony No.1 in G minor, op. 23: 34 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
1900:      Symphony No.2 in E flat major, op.29: 43 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
1904:      "Lieder und Gesange" for voice and orchestra, op.36
                "Traumnacht und Sturmhymnus" for chorus and orchestra, op.38
1909:      Symphony No.3 in E major, op.49: 65 minutes    + (cpo cd)
1913:      Violin Concerto in G major, op.52: 29 minutes   +  (cpo cd)
1914:      Comedy Overture, op.53: 10 minutes    +  (cpo cd)
               "Gottvertrauen" for voice and orchestra, op.55, No.1: 3 minutes
                Overture "Aus ernster Zeit", op.56: 12 minutes     +  (cpo cd)
1916:      Cello Concerto in A minor, op.60: 15 minutes
                Symphony No.4 in F major, op.61: 31 minutes   + (cpo cd)
                "Zum teil nach Motiven der gleichnamigen Oper" for orchestra: 10 minutes
1918:      Suite and Overture from the Indidental Music to "Der Sturm", op.65: 24 minutes     +  (cpo cd)
1919:      "Freiheitsgesang" for chorus and orchestra, op. 67
1922:      "Auferstehung" for chorus, organ and orchestra, op.69
1926:      Symphony No.5 in C minor, op.71: 43 minutes    + (cpo cd)
1928:      Symphony No.6 "La Tragica" in B minor, op.74: 38 minutes   *   + (cpo cd)
                Six Pieces for orchestra "La Burla", op.78
1930:      Variations "An die Schweiz" for orchestra, op.79
                Symphonic Poem "Fruhling", op.80: 18 minutes     + (cpo cd)
1935:      Sinfonietta for violin, viola, cello and small orchestra, op.83: 25 minutes    *
1935-37:Symphony No.7 for baritone, chorus, organ and orchestra in C major, op. 87
1938:      Five Pieces for orchestra "Bilder aus Japan", op.91


Colin, may I remind you gently that I uploaded the Op.83 Sinfonietta a few days ago?  ;) '*'
