Copyright & Upsetting Applecarts

Started by semloh, Wednesday 12 October 2011, 01:34

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I think the current UC policy, limiting uploads to recordings that are not commercially available and never on CD, is the safest course. There are many groups on the web that share broadcasts and ripped old LPs with their small circle of registered members. We have been good, I think, at catching recordings that become commercially available, even on obscure "house labels", and we dutifully remove them. This all amounts to a good faith effort to protect the commercial rights of copyright owners.

I'll renew my recommendation here -- When you upload your files, be sure the file name is cryptic. Mediafire is searchable in Google, and thus anyone outside our UC group can identify and download files via Google without going through our Downloads registration process. The use of cryptic file names limits access to the world at large, further protecting our practice of sharing amongst a small group of colleagues for education and enlightenment.

So, instead of naming your file Joe Bob Symphony 1.mp3, name it something like jbs3.mp3. Someone searching Google for recordings of Joe Bob's Symphonies will not find jbs3.mp3 as a match.

This is NOT because we are doing anything wrong. It is to help meet the fair use claim for sharing among a limited group by limiting access as much as possible.


Fascinating but very sad information about the Louisville recordings.


Matt Walters has since disappeared along with the masters in his possession. Last seen in Austin , divorced, then poof! Gone.
A real tragic mystery I'm afraid. The orchestra is left completely out in the cold.


btw "fair use" is, as far as I know, not quite as broad a term - in the US at least - as I think Amphissa may have been understanding it to be, but this was an old thread.