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Looking for an out-of-print song

Started by britishcomposer, Thursday 13 October 2011, 15:06

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I am looking for the following song:

Mervyn Roberts: Christmas Day (Words: Andrew Young), published in 1947 by Novello & Co.

Chesternovello told me that they no longer have any copies and advised me to contact the British Library. I did so and indeed they have it.
Unfortunately the price for a copy is sensationally high. Just cannot afford it.

How or where do you get out-of-print scores? All suggestions are welcome! :)


Here are some of the most helpful dealers that I've used in the past:

Sheet Music Warehouse -

Alba Musick -

Colin Coleman -

Austin Sherlaw-Johnson -

I've already searched all four (and for the Mervyn Roberts song without any luck - however, they may be useful for the future...

Happy browsing!


Gareth Vaughan

There is a copy in the Cambridge University Library - shelfmark M290.a.90.192. They will probably photocopy it for you much more cheaply than BL, provided you have permission from Novello's. The copy may be borrowable, so I would advise putting in a request through Inter-Library Loan (via your local library) first - then you can make as many photocopies of it as you like!


Excellent advice, Gareth. Often the library service is a good 'first port of call' if you don't really need to own an original copy.



Big thanks to you all!!!  :D
I will try out the links first and tomorrow terrorise the university library.
However, I know the lady who handles the Inter-Library Loan... she is so grim and discouraging that I need all my courage to ask her. Always complaining how much it costs the library...  ;D

Gareth Vaughan

Take your courage in both hands. The library is offering a service which you are entitled to use. Brook no nonsense. Since the very intelligent, interested, interesting and helpful Head of the Performing Arts library in Yeovil retired early (cost cutting exercise by Council), I instruct the remaining staff where to look for items. Remember - you are doing her a service by keeping her in a job.  If she complains, listen patiently, smile and ignore it. NEVER be intimidated by civil servants - WE pay their salaries.


Thanks for your encouragement, Gareth! :)
I think I will try it.


At school over sixty years ago, we used to sing a song 'Rolling down to Bangor, on the Bangor train'.  It has stuck in my head ever since. I haven't a clue who wrote it or what the next line is, any ideas about where I can find out?


As it's North Wales, one might with good reason predict that the second line concluded with "rain".


Gareth Vaughan

That's a real poser, Giles. Can you give us the tune? It might be that the words were applied to the tune of another song.

I've just come across this site:
which might be of some help in contacting someone who might know something!!