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Gottfried von Preyer

Started by kolaboy, Monday 24 October 2011, 01:04

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I was reading through some of Schumann's writings the other night and came across this fellow. Schumann was reviewing a symphony by said composer, and was wonderfully tactful in his almost dismissal of the work. The review did however pique my interest.

I don't believe that any of GvPs works have been recorded (though I may be mistaken)...

Other names that have jumped out at me over the years:
Joseph Christoph Kessler
Étienne-Victor-Paul Wachs
Christian Gottlieb Müller
August Nolck (Noelck)
Rudolph Willmers
Theodor Döhler
J. Frank Frysinger

Just saying...  :)


Döhler's first nocturne received many reprintings and has been recorded at least once.