Mathieu Crickboom (1871-1947, Belgian)

Started by eschiss1, Monday 31 October 2011, 23:57

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Best known as a pupil of Ysaÿe and the dedicatee of one of his violin sonatas; as an educator and author. Did write a violin sonata of some ambition (with piano) published around 1912 and premiered by 1913 (British premiere in 1913) that I hope to hear - if I were even more interested and knew of a recording source I'd add to the ridiculous number of posts I've made in the first day of the Requests forum, but no need I think. Still, even as a minor composer and fellow more interesting as an educator etc. - a link between generations, perhaps- (and with what may be one good work) he may be worthy of some attention and interest. (I admit I like the name- hush, Eric...)

His opus numbers are a bit of a mess with opus 11 assigned to the violin sonata in 1912 and to an Elegiac chant in 1922 by the same publisher. The first part not so unusual the last part less usual. No idea at this time if the two works are related. Opus 10 also, I think, assigned twice.